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CAA News Today

Donate to the Annual Fund

posted by November 27, 2013

For over a century, CAA has proudly represented the individuals and institutions that make up the world’s largest professional association in the visual arts. Since its founding, the organization is known for the engagement and steadfast dedication of its members. CAA is strengthened by every member who serves on a committee or jury, shares research and insight on Annual Conference panels and in journal articles, guides younger colleagues in our mentoring programs, and contributes in so many other ways. I hope we can count on your continued participation and support now and in the years to come.

In return, CAA is devoted to honoring its members’ accomplishments, promoting scholarship, and providing essential resources—serving as the central hub for a vibrant and expanding community of visual-arts professionals. Today, I ask that you join your fellow members with a gift to the Annual Fund to support all that CAA does for the field.

The generous, voluntary support of CAA members is critical to our collective advancement. Only in dialogue can we learn from diverse perspectives. Only with shared purpose can we shape the agenda for policy issues affecting the visual arts. Your contribution to the Annual Fund makes this important work possible.

On behalf of the artists, art historians, curators, critics, collectors, educators, and other professionals who make up CAA, I thank you for your dedicated support; together we are a strong and dynamic visual-arts community. Please give generously!





Maria Ann Conelli
Vice President for External Affairs

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