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CAA News Today

People in the News

posted by February 17, 2015

People in the News lists new hires, positions, and promotions in three sections: Academe, Museums and Galleries, and Organizations and Publications.

The section is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2015


Hala Auji has been appointed assistant professor of Islamic art in the Department of Fine Arts and Art History at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon.

Museums and Galleries

Denise Allen has left the Frick Collection in New York for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, also in New York, where she is curator of European sculpture and decorative arts.

Elissa Auther, associate professor of contemporary art and director of the art-history and museum-studies program at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, has joined the Museum of Arts and Design in New York as the inaugural Wingate Research Curator. She will hold a joint appointment at the Bard Graduate Center, in collaboration with the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design.

Robert C. Hobbs, Rhoda Thalhimer Endowed Chair at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond and visiting professor at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, has been inducted as a trustee of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford, Connecticut.

Organizations and Publications

Dena Muller has been appointed executive director of the Cue Art Foundation in New York. Previously she had served the New York Foundation for the Arts as director of new initiatives.

Institutional News

posted by February 17, 2015

Read about the latest news from institutional members.

Institutional News is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2015

The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts, has won the 2014 Apollo Award for Museum Opening of the Year. The award is given annually by the art magazine Apollo.

The Minneapolis Institute of Arts in Minnesota has accepted an $8 million gift from the Duncan and Nivin MacMillan Foundation to endow the director and president’s position.

The Princeton University Art Museum in Princeton, New Jersey, has won the 2014 Frances Smyth-Ravenal Prize for Excellence in Publication Design from the American Alliance of Museums for its catalogue of the exhibition New Jersey as Non-Site.

Yale University Press in New Haven, Connecticut, has received an $840,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to establish a new electronic portal on which curated and customizable art and architectural-history content will be made available to consumers and institutions.

Grants, Awards, and Honors

posted by February 15, 2015

CAA recognizes its members for their professional achievements, be it a grant, fellowship, residency, book prize, honorary degree, or related award.

Grants, Awards, and Honors is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2015

Kate Palmer Albers, assistant professor in the Art History Division of the School of Art at the University of Arizona in Tempe, has received a 2014 award from the Arts Writers Grants program, funded by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The grant will fund a new blog, Project K: Photography and Art in the Age of Social Media.

Luke Armitstead, an artist based in Madison, Wisconsin, has received a Clowes Fund Fellowship to support a residency at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson.

Hala Auji, assistant professor at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon, received a 2014 Honorable Mention Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Award in the Humanities from the Middle East Studies Association for her dissertation, “Between Script and Print: Exploring Publications of the American Syria Mission and the Nascent Press in the Arab World, 1834–1860,” which completed under the direction of Nancy Um at Binghamton University, State University of New York.

Elissa Auther, Wingate Research Curator for the Museum of Arts and Design and the Bard Graduate Center in New York, has received a 2014 award from the Arts Writers Grants program, funded by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The grant will support her article, “Senga Nengudi: The Performing Body.”

Rachelle Beaudoin, a video and performance artist based in Peterborough, New Hampshire, has earned a Clowes Fund Fellowship for a residency at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson.

Maurice Berger, research professor and chief curator for the Center for Art, Design, and Visual Culture at the University of Maryland in Baltimore County, has received a 2014 award in short-form writing from the Arts Writers Grants program, funded by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

Kaira M. Cabañas, an art historian based in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, has won a 2014 award from the Arts Writers Grants program, funded by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Her book project is called Expressive Restraint: Modern Art and Madness in Brazil and Beyond.

Abigail DeVille, an artist based in the Bronx, New York, has been awarded a 2015 grant in the visual-arts category from Creative Capital. DeVille will work on The Bronx: History of Now, a series of one hundred site-specific sculptural installations constructed from found objects, fragments of histories, and community narratives.

Craig Drennen, assistant professor of drawing and painting at Georgia State University in Atlanta, has received a 2014 grant from the foundation Art Matters.

Angela Ellsworth, an artist based in Phoenix, Arizona, who works in drawing, sculpture, installation, video, and performance, has won a 2014 Art Matters grant.

Ryan Gallant, a sculptor based in Grass Valley, California, has received fellowship for a residency at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont.

Ksenya Gurshtein, an art historian based in Washington, DC, has accepted a 2014 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for her project, “Conceptual Art in Eastern Europe in the 1960s and 1970s.”

Jeffrey Hamburger, Kuno Francke Professor of German Art and Culture at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has accepted a 2014 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for his project, “Berthold of Nuremberg’s 13th-Century Reconfiguration of Hrabanus Maurus’s 9th-Century Treatise on the Cross.”

Michelle Handelman, an artist based in Brooklyn, New York, who works in video, performance, and photography, has accepted a 2014 grant from the foundation Art Matters.

Andrew E. Hershberger, associate professor of contemporary art history and chair of the Division of Art History at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio, has won a 2015 Insight Award from the Society for Photographic Education for his book Photographic Theory: An Historical Anthology.

Suzanne Hudson, assistant professor of art history at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, has received a 2014 award from the Arts Writers Grants program, funded by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Her book project is titled Better for the Making: Art, Therapy, Process.

Sharon Irish, an art and architectural historian at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, has won a 2014 award from the Arts Writers Grants program, funded by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The grant will support her book project, Stephen Willats in the Yew Kay.

Janet Koplos, an art critic and historian based in Saint Paul, Minnesota, has received a 2014 award from the Arts Writers Grants program, funded by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The grant will help sustain her book project, The Loyal Opposition: The Life and Times of Chicago’s Controversial New Art Examiner.

Beauvais Lyons, Chancellor’s Professor at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, has been selected for a 2014 Individual Artist Award by the Santo Foundation, based in Saint Louis, Missouri. The award comes with a $5,000 prize.

Leah Montalto, an artist based in New York, has received a grant from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs via the 2015 Queens Arts Fund, part of the Greater New York Arts Development Fund for Individual Artists. Montalto will work on a new series of paintings, titled The Arc of Triumph.

Lorraine O’Grady, a New York–based artist and writer, has been awarded a 2015 grant in the visual-arts category from Creative Capital. The funds will support MBN – 30 Years Later, in which the artist’s performance persona Mlle Bourgeoise Noire transforms into a new avatar who protests a money-driven art world to restore the cultural purpose it has lost.

John Pollini, professor of art history and history the University of Southern California in Los Angeles has accepted a 2014 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for his project, “Destruction, Mutiliation, and Repurposing of Classical Images in Late Antiquity.”

Elizabeth Riggle, an artist based in Brooklyn, New York, has earned a residency at the Yaddo Foundation in Saratoga Springs, New York, for winter/spring 2015.

David Shannon-Lier, a photographer based in Phoenix, Arizona, has won a Vermont Studio Center Fellowship for a residency at the center in Johnson, Vermont.

Andrew Wasserman, assistant professor of art and architecture history at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, has received a 2014 award from the Arts Writers Grants program, funded by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The prize will support his book project, Bang! We’re All Dead! The Places of Nuclear Fear in 1980s America.

Yatta Zoker, an artist based in Houston, Texas, has accepted a $4,000 Catalyst Grant from the Idea Fund for The LDR Project, a series of three collaborative art-making workshops and a sponsorship for one expatriate or immigrant student at the University of Houston to reunite with their loved ones during summer break.

Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members

posted by February 15, 2015

Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members

Check out details on recent shows organized by CAA members who are also curators.

Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2015

Christine Giviskos. Picturing War: Selections from the Zimmerli Art Museum Collection. Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, February 7–July 5, 2015.

Donna Gustafson. George Segal in Black and White: Photographs by Donald Lokuta. Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, February 14–July 31, 2015.

Julia P. Herzberg. Monica Bengoa: Exercices de Style / Exercises in Style. Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, February 14–April 26, 2015.

Katie Grace McGowan and Jaime Marie Davis. Menagerie, or Artwork Not about Love. Elaine L. Jacob Gallery, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, October 24–December 12, 2014.

Books Published by CAA Members

posted by February 15, 2015

Publishing a book is a major milestone for artists and scholars—browse a list of recent titles below.

Books Published by CAA Members appears every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2015

Donna Gustafson. George Segal in Black and White: Photographs by Donald Lokuta (New Brunswick, NJ: Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, 2015).

Andrew D. Hottle. Shirley Gorelick (1924–2000): Painter of Humanist Realism (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014).

Carol E. Mayer. A Discerning Eye: The Walter C. Koerner Collection of European Ceramics (Vancouver: Figure 1, 2015).

Tanya Sheehan and Andrés Mario Zervigón, eds. Photography and Its Origins (New York: Routledge, 2015).

Theodore E. Stebbins Jr. and Melissa Renn. American Paintings at Harvard, Volume 1: Paintings, Watercolors, and Pastels by Artists Born before 1826 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Art Museums, 2014).

Julia Tulovsky. Oleg Vassiliev: Space and Light (New Brunswick, NJ: Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, 2014).

Nino Zchomelidse. Art, Ritual, and Civic Identity in Medieval Southern Italy (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2014).

Solo Exhibitions by Artist Members

posted by December 22, 2014

See when and where CAA members are exhibiting their art, and view images of their work.

Solo Exhibitions by Artist Members is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

December 2014


Terence Hannum. Guest Spot at the Reinstitute, Baltimore, Maryland, November 15, 2014–January 17, 2015. Decay. Sound collage, zines, and handmade artist’s books.


Richard Barlow, Michael Stolzer Fine Art, Oneonta, New York, September 18–October 1, 2014. Recognition Study Cards. Letterpress prints.

Craig Drennen. Samsøñ Projects, Boston, Massachusetts, October 31–December 24, 2014. Poet & Awful. Painting.

Michelle Handelman. Soho House New York in partnership with the Film-Makers’ Cooperative, New York, November 7, 2014. Irma Vep, the Last Breath. Single-channel video.


Veronica Ceci. 02 Gallery, Austin, Texas, November 7–December 3, 2014. QR/PR. Printmaking.

People in the News

posted by December 17, 2014

People in the News lists new hires, positions, and promotions in three sections: Academe, Museums and Galleries, and Organizations and Publications.

The section is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

December 2014


Edith Balas has retired after thirty-five years of teaching art history at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Jeff Bellantoni, formerly chairperson and professor of the Graduate Communications Design Department at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, has been appointed vice president for academic affairs at Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida.

Lori Cole, formerly the Charlotte Zysman Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities and Lecturer in Fine Arts at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, has become assistant professor and faculty fellow at the John W. Draper Interdisciplinary Master’s Program in Humanities and Social Thought at New York University.

Ryan Hoover has been appointed a 2014–15 full-time faculty member in the Interdisciplinary Sculpture Department at Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore.

Christian Luczanits, senior curator at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York, has been named David L. Snellgrove Senior Lecturer in Tibetan and Buddhist Art at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies in England.

Kiel Mutschelknaus has joined Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore as a full-time faculty member in graphic design for the 2014–15 academic year.

David Raskin has been named Mohn Family Professor of Contemporary Art History at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois, thanks to a recent $2.5 million gift from the Mohn Family Foundation.

Daniel Tucker has been appointed graduate-program manager in social and studio practice at the Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Museums and Galleries

Carol Damian has stepped down as director and chief curator of the Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum at Florida International University in Miami. She will serve as a professor in the school’s Art and Art History Department.

Tracy Fitzpatrick, chief curator of the Neuberger Museum of Art at Purchase College, State University of New York, has been appointed director of the museum.

Meredith Fluke has been appointed Kemper Curator of Academic Programs at the Davis Museum at Wellesley College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Aimeé E. Froom, an independent scholar based in Paris, France, has become curator of Islamic art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, in Texas.

Erika Holmquist-Wall, formerly of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in Minnesota, has been hired by the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, Kentucky, as curator of European and American painting and sculpture.

Monica Obniski, formerly assistant curator of American decorative arts at the Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois, has been hired by the Milwaukee Art Museum in Wisconsin as curator of design and decorative arts.

Amy L. Powell, previously a Cynthia Woods Mitchell Curatorial Fellow at the University of Houston’s in Texas, has become curator of modern and contemporary art at the Krannert Art Museum, part of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Namita Gupta Wiggers has resigned from being director and chief curator for the Museum of Contemporary Craft in Portland, Oregon. She will continue working with the museum as an adjunct curator and with Pacific Northwest College of Art as an adjunct instructor in the MFA Applied Craft and Design Program.

Scott Wilcox, chief curator of art collections and senior curator of prints and drawings at the Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, Connecticut, has been promoted to deputy director for collections.

Organizations and Publications

Richard Brettell has been chosen to lead the newly created Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History in Dallas, Texas, as director and Edith O’Donnell Distinguished Chair.

Paul Catanese, associate professor and director of the Interdisciplinary Arts and Media MFA Program at Columbia College Chicago in Illinois, has joined the ISEA International Foundation Board.

Institutional News

posted by December 17, 2014

Read about the latest news from institutional members.

Institutional News is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

December 2014

The Archives of American Art, part of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, has received a $413,000 award from the Terra Foundation for American Art to support a survey of archival collections related to American art that are located in the Chicago area, as well as a few other initiatives on Chicagoan art, artists, and archives.

The Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, has accepted a $85,000 award from the Terra Foundation for American Art to support the exhibition The Left Front: Radical Artists in the “Red Decade,” 1929–1940.

The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, has developed a three-day conference called “Global Encounters in Early America” with support from a $25,000 grant from the Terra Foundation for American Art.

The Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington has received three generous gifts totaling $1.7 million to fully endow the museum’s Curator of the Bancroft Collection of Pre-Raphaelite Art. Two donations were given anonymously, and a third came from Peggy and Ed Woolard. The endowment will be named the Annette Woolard-Provine Endowed Curator of the Bancroft Collection, in honor of the Woolards’ daughter.

The Maine College of Art in Portland has received accreditation for its ten-month master of art in teaching program by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design and the state of Maine. The college has also accepted funding from the Bob Crewe Foundation to initiate a program that explores the intersection of music and art.

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia has received a three-year $150,000 grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to support the new School and Community Partnership Program, which will unite the academy’s existing resources for schools, families, and community outreach into a single initiative.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art in Pennsylvania has been awarded a $165,000 grant from the Terra Foundation for American Art to help fund the exhibition Paul Strand: Photography and Film for the Twentieth Century.

The Princeton University Art Museum in Princeton, New Jersey, has accepted a $99,493 grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to help complete the cataloguing and digitization of the Minor White Archive.

The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Illinois has received a $2.5 million gift from the Mohn Family Foundation to advance the school’s leadership in the history of contemporary art. The funds will support a professorship and graduate-student fellowship within the Department of Art History, Theory, and Criticism.

Stanford University in California has accepted a $30,780 grant from the Terra Foundation for American Art to help the Department of Art and Art History fund a two-day conference called “The Ends of American Art.”

The University of California, Santa Barbara, has accepted a $136,479 grant from the Terra Foundation for American Art to support an academic exchange symposium and a publication associated with “Modernism in the United States and China,” a project organized by the university and the China Art Academy in Hangzhou.

The University of Texas at Dallas has partnered with the Dallas Museum of Art to create the Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History, which will offer master’s and doctoral degrees. The institute is funded by a $17 million gift from Edith O’Donnell.

The Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, Connecticut, has received a $25,000 grant from the Terra Foundation for American Art to support the borrowing of Hiram Power’s statue The Greek Slave (1844), along with an attendant two-day colloquium, in conjunction with the exhibition Sculpture Victorious: Art in an Age of Invention, 1837–1901.

Yale University Press in New Haven, Connecticut, has accepted an $80,000 grant from the Terra Foundation for American Art to support a translation prize for a book-length publication by a non-US author that contributes to scholarship on historical American art.

Grants, Awards, and Honors

posted by December 15, 2014

CAA recognizes its members for their professional achievements, be it a grant, fellowship, residency, book prize, honorary degree, or related award.

Grants, Awards, and Honors is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

December 2014

Richard Barlow, an artist, musician, and assistant professor of art at Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York, has received the 2014 Jerome Foundation Travel and Study Grant and the 2014 Hartwick College Faculty Development Grant.

Mark Staff Brandl, an artist and art historian based in Trogen, Switzerland, has completed an artist residency in the Italian village of Portico di Romagna, where he made drawings and had a small exhibition.

Abigail DeVille, an artist based in Bronx, New York, has won a 2014 emerging-artist grant of $10,000 from the Rema Hort Mann Foundation, based in New York.

Reni Gower, an artist and professor of painting and printmaking at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, has completed an artist residency at the Center for Book and Paper Arts at Columbia College Chicago, where she worked with the center’s team to explore pulp painting, blow-outs, and watermarks.

James Herring, exhibitions manager and designer for the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science in Miami, Florida, has received a $10,000 exhibition research grant from the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design, based in Asheville, North Carolina.

Leslie Hewitt, an artist based in New York and Houston, Texas, has been named a USA Francie Bishop Good and David Horvits Fellow in Visual Arts by United States Artists. The award comes with an unrestricted $50,000 prize.

Faheem Majeed, associate director and faculty in the School of Art and Art History at the University of Illinois in Chicago, and Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford, a teacher of sculpture at the Chicago High School for the Arts and in the Contemporary Practices Department of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, have earned a 2014–15 DCASE Studio Artist Residency Award from their city’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events and the Joyce Foundation.

Norie Sato, an artist based in Seattle, Washington, has been recognized twice this year: the 2014 Public Art Network Leadership Award from Americans for the Arts, awarded in June at that organization’s conference in Nashville, Tennessee; and the 2014 Governor’s Art and Heritage Award for an Independent Artist, conferred by her state’s government at the end of October.

Alex J. Taylor, an Australian art historian of modern American art and visual culture, has been appointed to a three-year position at Tate as the Terra Foundation Research Fellow in American Art by the London–based museum and Chicago’s Terra Foundation for American Art.

Hilary Wilder has accepted a 2014–15 artist’s residency from the Galveston Artist Residency in Texas.

Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members

posted by December 15, 2014

Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members

Check out details on recent shows organized by CAA members who are also curators.

Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

December 2014

Katerina Lanfranco. PostPartumParty. Rhombus Space, Brooklyn, New York, November 21–December 14, 2014.

Katerina Lanfranco. Funkdafied. Rhombus Space, Brooklyn, New York, October 17–November 9, 2014.

Melody Rod-ari. Home and Away: The Printed Works of Ruth Asawa. Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, California, September 19, 2014–January 19, 2015.

Jan Wurm. Closely Considered: Diebenkorn in Berkeley. Richmond Art Center. Richmond, California, September 14–November 16, 2014.