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Committee members Judy Bullington and Ellen Osterkamp facilitating discussion during the Education Committee's session "Wicked Problems in Visual Arts Education" at CAA 2019


The Education Committee promotes the visual arts as an essential aspect of human activity; as a creative endeavor and subject of cultural and historical inquiry and critical appreciative activity, and encourages excellence in teaching at all levels. Its focus is on pedagogy at the higher education level in art history, visual culture, studio, aesthetics, and art criticism, and on the interface between arts teaching and learning research and practice.

Recent Initiatives

CAA Conversations 

Begun in 2017, this ongoing program of the Education Committee brings together faculty from a variety of institutions, disciplines, and backgrounds to discuss topics in teaching and learning. Podcasts are available on iTunes, and usually run about 30 minutes. Read more about the origins and goals of this project on ATHR. If you’re interested in contributing to CAA Conversations as a host or if you have a topic you’d like to discuss, please contact Karen Gergely at gergely1[at] .  

Measuring College Learning in Art History

Led by members of CAA’s Education Committee in collaboration with the Social Science Research Council, the Measuring College Learning in Art History project outlined core learning objectives for introductory art history courses, including identifying essential concepts and competencies that demonstrate foundational knowledge of the discipline. See the project report and curricular learning framework here.  

Projects in development

  • Resources on Assessment in Visual Arts Education (EC Project Leader: Robin Cass)
  • Resources on Service and Experiential Learning (EC Project Leader: Ellen Mueller)
  • CAA Statement on SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) (EC Project Leaders: Alyshi Meloche and Jacqulyn Williams)

Annual Conference Programming

Each year, the Education Committee organizes events at CAA’s Annual Conference that address current issues affecting visual arts education by providing opportunities for members to exchange ideas, share resources, and engage in open dialogue.  Recent programs have included:  




  • SoTL Bootcamp (one day “unconference” on the scholarship of teaching and learning)

The Education Committee welcomes dialogue with all CAA members and arts professionals. If you have a question, concern, or comment, please contact Virginia Spivey, committee chair.

Current Committee Members

Francesca Albrezzi, Co-chair, University of California Los Angeles (2025)  
Alysha Meloche, Co-chair, Drexel University (2025)  

Jeff Ball, Harford Community College (2025)  
Barbara Bergstrom, Bowling Green State University (2027)
Alex Bostic, Mississippi State University, CAA Board Liaison, ex officio
Kristen Carter, Florida Southern College (2025)
Shana Cooperstein, Anne Arundel Community College (2025) 
Jenevieve DeLosSantos, Rutgers University (2025)  
Lauren Freese, University of South Dakota (2027)
Emily Elizabeth Goodman, Transylvania University (2025)  
Peter Haffner, Centre College (2027)
Heather Horton, Queens College, CUNY (2026)
Minki Jeon, Florida State University (2027)
Ruba Kana’an, University of Toronto Mississauga (2025)  
Pierette Kulpa, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania (2027)
Emily Rice, Boston University, CAA Board Liaison, ex officio
Deborah Saleeby-Mulligan, Manhattanville College (2025)  
Sue Uhlig, Penn State University (2026)
Karyn Zieve, Pratt Institute (2026)