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One of the programs of CAA’s International Committee is the CAA-Getty International Program. Pictured here are participants at the 2019 Annual Conference in New York. Photo: Ben Fractenberg


The International Committee (IC) seeks to foster an international community of artists, designers, scholars, and critics within CAA; to provide forums in which to exchange ideas and make connections; to encourage engagement with the international visual arts community; to develop relationships between CAA and organizations outside the United States with comparable goals and activities; and to assist the CAA Board of Directors by identifying and recommending advocacy issues that involve CAA and cross national borders. Current activities focus on art historians, curators, and artists who teach art history; however, plans are underway to develop robust programs for visiting artists and designers. In the future, the committee also hopes to involve international students in its programs.

IC Subcommittees 

The work of the International Committee is organized into four subcommittees. All members serve on one of them throughout their three-year membership term, though they can change committees from year to year. 

  1. Conference Session Subcommittee 
  2. Task: To identify the session topic, solicit session papers, and fully constitute the session panel for the CAA Annual Conference 

    Recent Activities:

    • "The Aesthetics of Resistance: Artists Respond to Armed Conflict from Home,” session panel sponsored by the IC for the CAA 110th Annual Conference in New York, NY, February 2023.
    • "Whose Heritage? Global, National and Local Debates on the Protection, Restoration and Restitution of Cultural Heritage" session panel sponsored by the IC for the CAA 109th Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, February 2022. 
  3. International News Subcommittee 
  4. Task: To develop new initiatives that discuss international topics with and by international scholars. Previously for publication in CAA News.

    Past Publications under International News:

  5. CAA-Getty International Program Subcommittee 
  6. Since 2011, CAA has received funds from the Getty Foundation to bring between 15 and 20 international scholars each year to attend the CAA Annual Conference. Over time, the program has grown to include a one-day preconference colloquium on international issues in art history, a conference session organized by alumni, and an online discussion forum to explore international issues with alumni of the program. A major program of the International Committee, the CAA-Getty International Program is directed by a professional staff member of CAA, who works closely with committee members to organize this annual event. More information about this program is available here. 


    • To form a jury and select the annual CAA-Getty International Program participants (15 new and 5 alumni) 
    • To identify session topics and organize the annual CAA-Getty Preconference Colloquium 
    • To work with five alumni to advise new participants in preparing their presentations for the annual CAA-Getty Preconference Colloquium on international topics in art history 
    • To invite US-based CAA members to serve as hosts for their international colleagues 
    • To produce the CAA-Getty Preconference Colloquium and the Alumni Global Conversations conference session at the CAA Annual Conference 

    Recent Activities: 

    • Convened the CAA-Getty Preconference Colloquium and alumni conference session in 2023.
  7. International Program for Artists and Designers Subcommittee 
  8. Task: To develop an international program to bring artists and designers to the CAA Annual Conference. 

    Recent Activities: 

    • Co-convened panel with Committee on Design "Global Design Practices and their Socio-Political Impact”, CAA 110th Annual Conference in New York, NY, February 2022.
    • Developing its program, including online activities.  

Current Committee Members

Sarena Abdullah, Chair, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2025) 

Noit Banai, Hong Kong Baptist University (2027)
Susanneh Bieber, Texas A&M University (2027)
Hairi Han, Benedictine University (2026)
Brigitta Isabella, Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta (2027)
Paul Jaskot, Duke University, NCHA President, ex officio  
Nazar Kozak, National Academy of Sciences & Ivan Franko University of Lviv, CAA Board Liaison, ex officio
Ewa Machotka, Stockholm University (2026)
Mar Morosse, Baruch College CUNY (2027)
Felipe Ney, Independent Transdisciplinary Scholar (2027)
Marsha Pearce, The University of the West Indies (2027)
Adity Saxena, Woxsen School of Arts & Design, CAA Board Liaison, ex officio
Doris Sung, University of Alabama (2025)  
Tsultem (Orna) Uranchimeg, Indiana University Herron School of Art + Design (2025)  
Christiane Wagner, University of São Paulo (2025)