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The Nominating Committee is charged with nominating and interviewing candidates to the CAA Board of Directors and selecting the final slate of candidates. In making its selection, the Nominating Committee takes under advisement the desire for a balanced representation of the CAA membership. (see Art. VIII, Sect. 4 of the CAA By-laws).

The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be selected from among Elected Directors who are no longer on the Board. The Nominating Committee Chair does not vote in this committee's deliberations, except in the case of a tie vote. The committee includes three board members in their last two years of service who are not elected officers, the board chooses these three at its February meeting. The committee also includes four at-large members who are selected by the previous year’s committee, one of these at-large members returns from past year’s committee.

CAA publishes a call for nominations and self-nominations for Nominating Committee service in CAA News and on the website in late fall of every year.

Current Committee Members

Peter Lukehart, Chair, National Gallery of Art, Former CAA Board Member

Denise Baxter, University of North Texas, CAA Board President, ex officio
Roland Betancourt, University of California Irvine, CAA Board Member
Gregory Gilbert, Knox College, CAA VP for Committees, ex officio
Elizabeth (Cassie) Mansfield, Pennsylvania State University, CAA Member
Meme Omogbai, CAA Executive Director and CEO, ex officio
Jennifer Rissler, CAA Past Board President
Rachel Rivenc, Getty Research Institute, CAA Member
Katy Rogers, The Dedalus Foundation, CAA Board Secretary
N. Elizabeth Schlatter, CAA Past Board President


Please direct all queries regarding the Nominating Committee, including how to join it, to