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Programs » Publication Grants


The Wyeth Foundation for American Art supports the publication of books on American art through the Wyeth Foundation for American Art Publication Grant, administered by CAA. For this grant program, “American art” is defined as art created in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Eligible Applicants

Application is by the publisher, not the author. Applications are considered only for book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of American art that are under contract for publication. Awards are open to publishers of all nations; authors need not live or work in the United States. Commercial, university, and museum presses are all eligible. Applicant authors and presses must be institutional CAA members. University presses can be eligible under the CAA membership of the university. Self-published manuscripts are not eligible for this grant.

Eligible Books

Excluded from consideration are excavation or other technical reports, articles, previously published works (including collections of previously published essays), and congress proceedings. Museum exhibition or collection catalogues containing substantial scholarship are eligible. High scholarly and intellectual merit is the sine qua non for an award; however, the jury is also attentive to the following criteria:

  • Topics with a naturally small market or unusually high expenses
  • Works by disadvantaged scholars, including those at the earlier stages of a career, or by younger scholars or curators; or issued by smaller museums; or by or about underserved constituencies
  • Books that break new ground, contribute new scholarship, or publish important primary-source material
  • Beautiful books that increase the audience for American art

A project that has been rejected for grant may not be resubmitted to the same grant, except in a rare case where substantial revision has been made to the material, and the publisher has so noted in the application. At its discretion, the jury may decline to review the resubmitted application.

Schedule and Distribution of Funds

Grant applications must be received from publishers at the CAA office no later than September 15. Awards will be made in November, and publishers are notified by the end of the year. Please review the Application Process, Materials, and Checklist for grant applications. The award is usually disbursed to the publisher when the book is in a late stage of production, upon submission of final galley proofs or the equivalent.


The copyright page or other appropriate location in the front matter of the book must bear the following credit line: Publication of this book has been aided by a Wyeth Foundation for American Art Publication Grant of the College Art Association. The CAA logo must appear with this notice and is supplied to the publisher upon request.


Questions? Please contact Cali Buckley, CAA Grants and Special Programs Manager, at 212-392-4435.