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Awards, Grants, Fellowships

2018-19 Fellowships at The Huntington

Type: Awards, Grants, Fellowships [View all]
Posted by: The Huntington
Deadline: Wed, November 15th, 2017


The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens welcomes applications for fellowships to support research in the history of British and American art. Awards will also be considered in areas of Continental European art in which The Huntington has strong holdings. Proposals are judged in terms of the value of the project, the ability of the scholar, and the degree to which the special strengths of the art collections and library holdings will be utilized. Awards are considered for pre-doctoral as well as post-doctoral candidates. Holders of awards are expected to be in continuous residence throughout their tenure. The deadline for submitting an application for 2018-19 fellowships is NOVEMBER 15, 2017. For information on the various awards offered and application procedures, please go to


Posted on Thu, July 6th, 2017
Expires on Wed, November 15th, 2017

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