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Executive Committee

Between meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee advises the board, undertakes the management of CAA business, and exercises such powers as may be delegated to it by the board. (See Article VIII, Section 3 of the CAA By-laws.)

Current Committee Members

Denise Baxter, Chair, University of North Texas, CAA Board President

Nicole Archer, Montclair State University, CAA Vice President for Publications
Laura Anderson Barbata, Independent Artist, CAA Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Anthony Crisafulli, University of North Alabama, CAA Board Treasurer
Lara Evans, First Peoples Fund, CAA Vice President for Annual Conference
Gregory Gilbert, Knox College, CAA Vice President for Committees
Gregory V. Gooding, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, CAA Counsel, ex officio
Karen Leader, Florida Atlantic University, CAA Vice President for External Relations
Meme Omogbai, CAA Executive Director and CEO, ex officio
Jennifer Rissler, CAA Past Board President
Katy Rogers, The Dedalus Foundation, CAA Board Secretary