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CAA News Today

CAA has signed on to the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Statement on 2024 Campus Protests, which, like the American Historical Association (AHA) statement last week, was issued in response to recent decisions by colleges and universities to encourage police intervention and suppress protests.  

Both AHA and ACLS statements resonate with CAA’s mission to advocate for the visual arts through “intellectual engagement and a commitment to the diversity of practices and practitioners,” as more broadly this speaks to a commitment to advocating for diversity of ideas. Opposing ideas, whether expressed via visual art or through protest, can disturb and trigger discomfort. However, per the ACLS statement, “while administrators have every right and duty to secure the safety of their campus communities, they cannot and should not shield students or others from the experience of hearing strongly worded statements which might make them deeply uncomfortable. It is the nature of protest to be loud, sometimes discourteous, and contentious. But, as scholars, we believe that suppressing the expression of unpopular or uncomfortable ideas by students or faculty engaged in peaceful protest does not do justice to the values at the heart of the university.” 

Visit the ACLS website to view the full list of individuals, societies, and institutions who have signed on to this statement.  

Filed under: Advocacy — Tags:

Welcome to CAA’s New Affiliated Societies

posted by CAA — Apr 08, 2019

Active since the 1970s, CAA Affiliated Societies program promotes learned societies focused on particular areas of art history, art making, or design.

We are delighted to welcome the following organizations as new affiliated societies of CAA:

  • Digital Art History Society
  • William Morris Society in the United States
  • International Council of Fine Arts Deans
  • Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art
  • Association of Greek Art Historians
  • Society for the History of Collecting

A complete list of current members appears here.


Digital Art History Society (DAHS)
Founded: 2019
Membership: 340+
Annual Dues: none for 2019, $25 thereafter
The Digital Art History Society (DAHS) fosters and supports the practice and publication of art historical scholarship incorporating and benefiting from digital strategies and technologies by providing a forum for presenting and advancing digital art history, examining problems confronting the field, and identifying scholarly needs and opportunities to its members.

William Morris Society in the United States (WMS)
Founded: 1971
Membership: 199
Annual dues: $50 regular members; $30 students; $65 libraries
The William Morris Society in the United States seeks to further appreciation of Morris as a designer, craftsman, medievalist, preservationist, printer, socialist, poet, and author. We also encourage interest in Morris’s friends, associates, and contemporaries in Britain and America who were connected with the Pre-Raphaelites, Victorian art and literature, and the Arts and Crafts movement.

International Council of Fine Arts Deans (ICFAD)
Founded: 1964
Membership: 363
Annual dues: $450 for institutional membership
Founded on a shared passion and advocacy for the arts and a commitment to excellence in leadership, the International Council of Fine Arts Deans (ICFAD) is a multinational alliance of executive arts administrators representing institutions of higher education.

The Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art (ASCHA)
Founded: 2010
Membership: 40
Annual Dues: currently none
The Association of Scholars of Christianity in the History of Art (ASCHA) is dedicated to the facilitation and promotion of scholarship that examines the historical and contemporary relationship between Christianity and the visual arts.

Association of Greek Art Historians (EEIT)
Founded: 2001
Membership: 179
Annual dues: 50 Euros
EEIT advances the study of art and the discipline of art history in Greece.

The Society for the History of Collecting (SocHistCol)
Founded: 2015
Membership: 180
Annual Dues: $25.00 (£18.00) regular membership; $15.00 student membership (£10.00) institutional membership $60.00 (£40.00)
The Society is an international not-for-profit organisation, bringing together scholars from diverse disciplines, as well as collectors, museum curators, and those of the general audience who are passionately interested in the study of collecting in all its ramifications, including the relationships between collecting and the art market.

Filed under: Affiliated Societies

CAA has operated its Affiliated Societies program since the 1970s. Affiliated Societies are learned societies focused on particular areas of art history, art making, or design. We presently have 77 societies who are active members of the program. A complete list of current members appears here.

Affiliated Societies enhance CAA by creating Annual Conference sessions on their specific areas of expertise within the larger domains of art history, design, and the visual arts. For our upcoming annual conference in New York City in February 2019, 77% of the Affiliated Societies will be presenting sessions.

In exchange for a modest annual membership fee, Affiliated Societies receive the following benefits:

• listing in CAA’s Online Directory of Affiliated Societies
• a guaranteed session at the Annual Conference
• a room in which to conduct a business meeting at the Annual Conference
• promotional opportunities in the Affiliated Society section of CAA News
• use of the CAA-administered listserv for outreach to their other societies
• use of a Humanities Commons Group for social networking

We are looking to grow the program and add other societies.

If you would like to learn more about the program you can click here to see if your organization is eligible. The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors will be reviewing new applications at its meeting in February 2019. If you want to be considered for to be part of the program, your materials would need to be completed by December 22, 2018.

If you have any questions, please reach out directly to our executive director Hunter O’Hanian:

Filed under: Affiliated Societies — Tags:

Two New Affiliated Societies

posted by CAA — Feb 11, 2016

At its February 2016 meeting, the CAA Board of Directors approved applications from two organizations to become Affiliated Societies. CAA welcomes the two new organizations into the group of over 80 Affiliated Society members.

Design History Society

The Design History Society is the leading organization that promotes the study of global design histories, and brings together and supports all those engaged in the subject: students, researchers, educators, designers, designer-makers, critics and curators. The society aims to play an important role in shaping an inclusive design history.

Feminist Art Project

The Feminist Art Project is an international collaborative network of educators, artists, curators, and other arts professionals advancing the aesthetic, intellectual, and political impact of women on the visual arts, art history, and art practice, past and present. The project presents, documents, and promotes diverse feminist art activities, scholarship, education, and publications through its website, online calendar, and scheduled events; it also facilitates networking and regional program development throughout the world.

To learn more about applying to become an Affiliated Society member, visit the information page on the CAA website.

Filed under: Affiliated Societies

The undersigned learned societies are deeply concerned about the impact of Texas’s new Campus Carry law on freedom of expression in Texas universities. The law, which was passed earlier this year and takes effect in 2016, allows licensed handgun carriers to bring concealed handguns into buildings on Texas campuses. Our societies are concerned that the Campus Carry law and similar laws in other states introduce serious safety threats on college campuses with a resulting harmful effect on students and professors.

American Academy of Religion
American Anthropological Association
American Antiquarian Society
American Association for the History of Medicine
American Folklore Society
American Historical Association
American Musicological Society
American Philosophical Association
American Political Science Association
American Studies Association
American Society for Aesthetics
American Society for Environmental History
American Sociological Association
Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Association of American Geographers
College Art Association
Latin American Studies Association
Law and Society Association
Medieval Academy of America
Middle East Studies Association
Modern Language Association
National Communication Association
National Council on Public History
Oral History Association
Society for American Music
Society of Architectural Historians
Society of Biblical Literature
Society for Ethnomusicology
World History Association

Filed under: Advocacy, Education

Updated Directory of Affiliated Societies

posted by Lauren Stark — May 19, 2015

The Directory of Affiliated Societies, a comprehensive list of all eighty groups that have joined CAA as affiliate members, has just been updated. Please visit the directory to view a single webpage that includes the following information for each group: name, date of founding, size of membership, and annual dues; a brief statement on the society’s nature or purpose; and the names of officers and/or contacts for you to get more details about the groups or to join them. In addition, CAA links directly to each affiliated society’s homepage.

Filed under: Affiliated Societies

Updated Directory of Affiliated Societies

posted by Lauren Stark — May 23, 2013

The Directory of Affiliated Societies, a comprehensive list of all seventy-six groups that have joined CAA as affiliate members, has just been updated. Please visit the directory to view a single webpage that includes the following information for each group: name, date of founding, size of membership, and annual dues; a brief statement on the society’s nature or purpose; and the names of officers and/or contacts for you to get more details about the groups or to join them. In addition, CAA links directly to each affiliated society’s homepage.

Revised Directory of Affiliated Societies

posted by Lauren Stark — Jul 17, 2012

The Directory of Affiliated Societies, a comprehensive list of all seventy-four groups that have joined CAA as affiliate members, has just been updated. Please visit the directory to view a single webpage that includes the following information for each group: name, date of founding, size of membership, and annual dues; a brief statement on the society’s nature or purpose; and the names of officers and/or contacts for you to get more details about the groups or to join them. In addition, CAA links directly to each affiliated society’s homepage.

Strengthening Partnerships with CAA’s Affiliated Societies

posted by Christopher Howard — Apr 09, 2012

The following report was written by Barbara Nesin, president of the CAA Board of Directors, and Judith Thorpe, also a board member.

The third annual meeting of CAA’s affiliated societies was held during the 100th Annual Conference in Los Angeles on Saturday, February 25, 2012. Twenty representatives from the affiliates joined the CAA president, Barbara Nesin, and members of the Board of Directors to review the accomplishments of the past year and to discuss future directions.

Nesin took this opportunity to announce the formation of a Task Force on Affiliated Societies, approved by the board at its October 2011 meeting. Starting in May 2012, the task force will develop recommendations about the best means of working together to achieve common goals and objectives. She thanked Judith Thorpe, a CAA board member, for leading that effort and for assembling a team of committed board members to serve on the task force. Thorpe reviewed the highlights of CAA’s 2010–2015 Strategic Plan that specifically call for affiliated-society engagement, especially through enhanced communications, advocacy, and membership. Nesin also thanked Jean Miller, another CAA board member, for her preliminary research on which the task force can build. The task force will likely conduct a membership survey before making its recommendations.

Nesin also noted the contributions of the affiliates to the Los Angeles conference. There were twenty-three major affiliate-sponsored sessions reviewed and selected by the Annual Conference Committee, in addition to over seventy special sessions and business meetings providing many opportunities for all CAA members to become familiar with the work of the affiliate organizations.

Nesin encouraged greater collaboration between CAA and the affiliates in the future to include activities beyond the conference, currently the center of affiliate activities. With this in mind, a spreadsheet of all affiliated-society conferences and meetings throughout the year was distributed so that CAA board members could plan to attend more of these events. This year CAA participated in the Southeastern College Art Conference, the annual meeting for the Mid-America College Art Association, and the Society for Photographic Education national conference. CAA staff has also increased communications with affiliated-society representatives by making use of the affiliate listserv and by inviting input on a variety of topics. By the same token, Nesin encouraged the affiliates to nominate their members for service on CAA’s committees and board. Those in attendance had the opportunity to ask questions and to share suggestions.

The homepage for the main CAA website was enhanced with an Affiliated Societies tab on the horizontal navigation bar that links directly to the Directory of Affiliated Societies. Each affiliated-society listing contains a link to its own website. Nesin pointed out the importance of keeping the contact information for each organization up to date to be sure that information goes to the right person, who is in turn responsible for sharing information with the leadership and/or members of his or her organization. To keep the directory current, CAA annually seeks updates and solicits announcements and news from the groups every two months; these items appear in the Affiliated Society News section of the CAA website, which is promoted through CAA News.

CAA’s seventy-five affiliated societies, covering a wide range of disciplines, are essential partners in the fulfillment of the organization’s mission to promote the visual arts and their understanding through committed practice and intellectual engagement.

CAA Publishes an Updated Directory of Affiliated Societies

posted by Lauren Stark — Jul 20, 2011

The Directory of Affiliated Societies, a comprehensive list of information for all seventy-four groups that have joined CAA as affiliate members, has just been updated. Please visit the directory to view a single webpage that includes the following information for each group: name, date of founding, size of membership, and annual dues; a brief statement on the society’s nature or purpose; and the names and contact information for you to get more information or to join. In addition, CAA links directly to each affiliated society’s homepage.

Joining the list this year are four organizations whose applications the CAA Board of Directors approved at its February 2011 meeting: Art, Literature, and Music in Symbolism and Decadence (ALMSD); the Asian American Women Artists Association (AAWAA); the Curator’s Network at Independent Curators International; and the National Alliance of Artists from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (NAAHBCU).