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CAA News Today

CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for individuals with relevant expertise to serve on our juries for Awards for Distinction, Publication Grants, Travel Grants, and Fellowships. Jury service is one of the most impactful volunteer positions at CAA; help select our next awardees and grantees!  

To apply, send an e-mail to Cali Buckley, CAA Manager of Grants and Awards & Director of CAA-Getty International Program, with the following: 

  • Statement of interest outlining qualifications and experience of nominee (150 words maximum)  
  • CV (two pages maximum) 

Three-year terms begin in July. Current CAA Committee and Editorial Board members are not eligible to apply.   

Deadline: June 1, 2024 


Awards for Distinction 

  • Art Journal Award  
  • Charles Rufus Morey Book Award for Non-catalogue Books in the History of Art  
  • Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize for Art Bulletin articles  
  • The CAA/American Institute for Conservation Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation  
  • Jury for the Artist Award for Distinguished Body of Work, Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement, and Distinguished Teaching of Art Award  
  • Distinguished Feminist Awards for Scholars and Artists  

 Publication Grants  

  • Millard Meiss Publication Fund for Books in Art History 
  • Wyeth Foundation for American Art Publication Grant  

 Travel Grants 

  • Art History Fund for Travel to Special Exhibitions   


  • Professional Development Fellowship in Visual Art  
  • Michael Aurbach Fellowship for Excellence in Visual Art   


Filed under: Awards, Grants and Fellowships

book cover

Cover of The Eye, the Hand, the Mind: 100 Years of the College Art Association, edited by Susan Ball (Rutgers, 2011) featuring detail of Faith Ringgold, The Sunflower Quilting Bee at Arles, 1996

On November 4, CAA had the privilege to host the digital event celebrating The Eye, the Hand, the Mind: 100 Years of the College Art Association. If you were unable to make it, please watch this recording of the event.

Published in 2010, this book documents and examines over a century of CAA’s history. The event features Susan Ball, editor of the publication, and author Julia Sienkewicz, who will discuss their contributions to the project and how topics and issues have shifted and changed in the last decade. A conversation between CAA CEO and Executive Director, Meme Omogbai, and art historian, Anne Higonnet, will reflect on these insights and CAA’s plans for the future. This conversation also will honor Robert L. Herbert, the dedicatee of the book, and will discuss how his legacy has impacted the field and so many at CAA.

Following this event, CAA will release a series of short videos from authors discussing their specific chapters within the book, including Julia A. Sienkewicz, Judith Brodsky, Ellen Levy, and Karen Leader. Their presentations will cover a range of topics concerning CAA’s history, from advocacy and feminist initiatives to CAA’s past exhibition programs and conferences.


About the book: 

Susan Ball, editor. The Eye, the Hand, the Mind: 100 Years of the College Art Association (Rutgers University Press, 2011). Copies are available for purchase here. 

In 1911 the College Art Association began with a small group of college art teachers whose single mission was to promote “art interests in all divisions of American colleges and universities.” One hundred years later the CAA, as it is commonly known, is as diverse as the decades that witnessed its maturity and growth. As leadership and membership grew dynamically, art and art history professors were joined by non-academic visual artists and art historians, museum professionals, art librarians, visual resource curators, independent scholars and artists, collectors, dealers, conservators, and non-college educators. 

The Eye, the Hand, the Mind is a collaborative journey, filled with pictorial mementoes and enlivening stories and anecdotes. In these essays readers discover the important role CAA played in major issues in higher education such as curriculum development, preservation of world monuments, workforce issues and market equity, intellectual property and free speech, capturing conflicts and reconciliations inherent among artists and art historians, pedagogical approaches and critical interpretations/interventions as played out in association publications, annual conferences, advocacy efforts, and governance.

Celebrating the centennial of CAA members and milestones, Susan Ball and renowned contributors honor the organization’s complex history which, in part, also represents many learned societies and the humanities over the last one hundred years. 

About the speakers: 

Susan Ball, Ph.D.:  Susan Ball edited The Eye, the Hand, the MindBall holds a Ph.D. in art and architectural history from Yale University and holds over 35 years of professional experience – as a professor, scholar, museum professional and nonprofit agency director. Ball served as Interim Director of Programs at the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA). Prior, she was Executive Director at the College Art Association, Professor of Art History at the University of Delaware, the Director of Government and Foundation Affairs at the Art Institute of Chicago, and a consultant with the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation. As an author and editor, she has contributed significant works of scholarship in her field, such as The Profitable Artist: A Handbook for All Artists in the Literary, Media, Performing, and Visual Arts with Peter Cobb and Felicity Hogan (Allworth Press, 2011), and has served on many boards. 

Julia A. Sienkewicz, PhD: In The Eye, the Hand, the Mind, Sienkewicz authored the chapter, “Uniting the Arts and the Academy: A History of the CAA Annual Conference.”  Sienkewicz, an Associate Professor of Art History at Roanoke College, holds both an MA and PhD from the University of Illinois and a BA from Mt. Holyoke College. She is the author of Epic Landscapes: Benjamin Henry Latrobe and the Art of Watercolor (2019). Currently, she is at work on the monograph Forms of White Hegemony: Transnational Sculpture, Racialized Identity, and the Torch of Civilization, 1836-1865, research that has been recognized with the award of a Terra Foundation Fellowship at the American Academy in Rome. She recently edited a special issue of the Art History Pedagogy and Practice journal entitled, “Teaching and Learning the Art History of the United States.” Sienkewicz served in leadership roles at CAA for more than a decade, most recently concluding a term on the Board of Directors as the VP for Committees. 

Anne Higonnet, Ph.D.: Anne Higonnet is now Professor of Art History at Barnard College of Columbia University. She received her BA from Harvard College in 1980 and her PhD from Yale University in 1988 under Robert Herbert.  Her work has been supported by Getty, Guggenheim, and Social Science Research Council fellowships, as well as by grants from the Mellon, Howard and Kress Foundations. In 2019-2020 she was a Fellow at the Harvard-Radcliffe Institute.  She has published many essays, five print books, and two book-scale digital projects, is a prize-winning teacher, and has lectured widely, including in the Live Arts program of the Met Museum.  One of her courses, Clothing, is among the most popular at Barnard and Columbia. She is now writing a book under contract with Norton: Three Fashion Stars and the Revolution They Wore; Joséphine Bonaparte, Juliette Récamier, Térésia Tallien.   

Meme Omogbai, CAA Executive Director and CEO: Before joining CAA, Omogbai served as a member and past board chair of the New Jersey Historic Trust, one of four landmark entities dedicated to preservation of the state’s historic and cultural heritage, and Montclair State University’s Advisory Board. Named one of 25 Influential Black Women in Business by The Network Journal, Meme has over twenty-five years of experience in corporate, government, higher education, and museum sectors. As the first American of African descent to chair the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), Omogbai led an initiative to rebrand the AAM as a global, inclusive alliance. While COO and trustee, she spearheaded a major transformation in operating performance at the Newark Museum. During her time as deputy assistant chancellor of New Jersey’s Department of Higher Education, Omogbai received legislative acknowledgment and was recognized with the New Jersey Meritorious Service award for her work on college affordability initiatives for families. Omogbai received her MBA from Rutgers University and holds a CPA. She did postgraduate work at Harvard University’s executive management program and has earned the designation of Chartered Global Management Accountant. She studied global museum executive leadership at the J. Paul Getty Trust Museum Leadership Institute, where she also served on the faculty. 

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags:

CAA is extending our call for nominations for jury participation. CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for individuals to serve on our Awards for Distinction, Publication Grant, Fellowship, and Travel Grant juries. Terms now begin August 2021.

Candidates must possess expertise appropriate to the jury’s work and be current CAA members. They should not hold a position on a CAA committee or editorial board beyond May 31, 2021. CAA’s president and vice president for committees appoint jury members for service. Materials are due to CAA by July 14, 2021.

Amanda Williams speaks at Convocation at CAA's 108th Annual Conference in Chicago.

Amanda Williams speaks at Convocation at CAA’s 108th Annual Conference in Chicago

Awards for Distinction Juries

CAA has vacancies in the following juries for the annual Awards for Distinction for three years (2020–2023). Terms begin in July 2021.

  • Art Journal Award, one vacancy
  • Charles Rufus Morey Book Award for non-catalogue books in the history of art, two vacancies
  • Jury for the Artist Award for Distinguished Body of Work, Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement, and Distinguished Teaching of Art Award, two vacancies
  • Jury for the Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award and the Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Writing on Art, one vacancy
  • Distinguished Feminist Awards for Scholars and Artists, two vacancies
  • CAA/American Institute for Conservation Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation, one vacancy

Publication Grant Juries

CAA has vacancies on our Wyeth Foundation Publication Grant jury for three years (2021–2024) and the Terra Foundation for American Art Publication Grant jury for one year (2021 –2022).

  • Wyeth Foundation Publication Grant in American Art, two vacancies
  • Terra Foundation for American Art Publication Grant, three vacancies

Professional Development Fellowship Juries

CAA has vacancies on our Professional Development Fellowship juries for three years (2021–2024). Terms begin July 2021.

  • Professional Development Fellowship in Visual Arts, two vacancies
  • Professional Development Fellowship in Art History, two vacancies

Travel/Support Grant Juries

CAA has vacancies on our jury for three years (2021–2024). Terms begin July 2021.

  • CAA Support Grant in Memory of Archibald Cason Edwards, Senior, and Sarah Stanley Gordon Edwards, one vacancy

How to Apply

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) outlining the individual’s qualifications and experience and a CV (an abbreviated CV no more than two pages may be submitted). Please send all materials by email to Cali Buckley: Nominations must be sent as a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF attachment.

For questions about jury service and responsibilities, contact Tiffany Dugan, CAA Director of Constituency Engagement:

Deadline: July 14, 2021 

Filed under: Uncategorized

Former CAA Interim Director David Raizman and Denise Murrell, who received the Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award for Smaller Museums, Libraries, Collections, and Exhibitions for her catalog Posing Modernity: The Black Model From Manet and Matisse to Today, at the 2020 Annual Conference in Chicago. Photo: Stacey Rupolo

CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for individuals to serve on our Awards for Distinction, Publication Grant, Fellowship, and Travel Grant juries. Terms begin August 2020.

Candidates must possess expertise appropriate to the jury’s work and be current CAA members. They should not hold a position on a CAA committee or editorial board beyond May 31, 2020. CAA’s president and vice president for committees appoint jury members for service.

Awards for Distinction Juries

CAA has vacancies in ten of the fourteen juries for the annual Awards for Distinction for three years (2020–23). Terms begin in August 2020; award years are 2021–23.

  • Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award for museum scholarship in the history of art/Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award for Smaller Museums, Libraries, Collections, and Exhibitions for museum scholarship in the history of art published by smaller institutions: two vacancies
  • Frank Jewett Mather Award for art criticism: two vacancies
  • Charles Rufus Morey Book Award for non-catalogue books in the history of art: one vacancy
  • Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize for articles written by younger scholars in The Art Bulletin: one vacancy
  • Artist Award for Distinguished Body of Work: two vacancies
  • Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement: one vacancy
  • Distinguished Feminist Awards for Scholars and Artists: one vacancy
  • Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award: one vacancy
  • Excellence in Diversity Award: four vacancies

Publication Grant Juries

CAA has vacancies on our Millard Meiss Publication Fund grant jury for four years (2020–24) and the Terra Foundation for American Art Publication Grant jury for one year (2020-21).

  • Millard Meiss Publication Fund: three vacancies
  • Terra Foundation for American Art Publication Grant: one vacancy

Professional Development Fellowship Juries

CAA has vacancies on our Professional Development Fellowship juries for three years (2020–23). Terms begin August 2020.

  • Professional Development Fellowship in Visual Arts: three vacancies
  • Professional Development Fellowship in Art History: two vacancies

Travel Grant Juries

CAA has vacancies on our Art History Fund for Travel to Special Exhibitions jury for three years (2020–23). Terms begin August 2020.

  • Art History Fund for Travel to Special Exhibitions: two vacancies


Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) outlining the individual’s qualifications and experience and a CV (an abbreviated CV no more than two pages may be submitted). Please send all materials by email to Cali Buckley (, CAA grants and special programs manager; submissions must be sent as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF attachments.

For questions about jury service and responsibilities, contact Tiffany Dugan (, CAA director of programs and publications.

Deadline: July 31, 2020 

Serve on the Millard Meiss Publication Fund Jury

posted by CAA — Apr 19, 2019

CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for individuals to serve on our Millard Meiss Publication Fund jury for four years (2019–23). Terms begin July 2019.


  • Millard Meiss Publication Fund: two members

Duties and Qualifications

The Millard Meiss Publication Fund jury awards subsidies to support the publication of book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of art and related subjects. Members review manuscripts and grant applications twice a year and meet in New York in the spring and fall to select the awardees. CAA reimburses jury members for travel and lodging expenses in accordance with its travel policy. Members volunteer their services to CAA without compensation. Candidates must be actively publishing scholars with demonstrated seniority and achievement; institutional affiliation is not required.

Candidates must possess expertise appropriate to the jury’s work and be current CAA members. They should not hold a position on a CAA committee or editorial board beyond May 31, 2019. CAA’s president and vice president for committees appoint jury members for service.


Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) outlining the individual’s qualifications and experience and a CV (an abbreviated CV no more than two pages may be submitted). Please send all materials by email to Cali Buckley, CAA grants and special programs manager; submissions must be sent as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF attachments. For questions about jury service and responsibilities, contact Tiffany Dugan, CAA director of programs and publications.

Deadline: May 13, 2019

Filed under: Awards, Publications, Service

Serve on a CAA Award Jury

posted by CAA — Mar 28, 2019

CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for individuals to serve on ten of the fourteen juries for the annual Awards for Distinction for three years (2019–22). Terms begin in May 2019; award years are 2020–22.

CAA’s fourteen awards honor artists, art historians, authors, curators, critics, and teachers whose accomplishments transcend their individual disciplines and contribute to the profession as a whole and to the world at large.

Candidates must possess expertise appropriate to the jury’s work and be current CAA members. They should not hold a position on a CAA committee or editorial board beyond May 31, 2019. CAA’s president and vice president for committees appoint jury members for service.

Jury vacancies for spring 2019:

  • The Art Journal Award: two members
  • Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award: three members
  • Frank Jewett Mather Award for Art Criticism: one member
  • Charles Rufus Morey Book Award: two members
  • Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize: two members
  • CAA/AIC Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation: one member
  • Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement:  one member
  • Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Writing on Art: two members
  • Distinguished Feminist Award: one member
  • Distinguished Teaching of Art Award: one member

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) outlining the individual’s qualifications and experience and a CV (an abbreviated CV no more than two pages may be submitted). Please send all materials by email to Cali Buckley, CAA grants and special programs manager; submissions must be sent as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF attachments. For questions about jury service and responsibilities, contact Tiffany Dugan, CAA director of programs and publications.

Deadline: May 13, 2019

Attendees at the 2019 Annual Conference in New York. Photo: Ben Fractenberg

Each spring, members have the opportunity to provide critical service to the field and gain an inside view by volunteering to work on a CAA editorial board, committee, or jury.

Any member may self-nominate for the following positions or (after ascertaining interest) nominate another member. For more information, please click on the links below.


All deadlines for 2019 have passed.


Art Journal Open—Editor-in-Chief
Deadline: April 1—Editor-in-Chief
Deadline: April 1—Four Field Editors
Design History, Eighteenth-Century Art, Architecture and Urbanism, Theory and Historiography
Deadline: April 15

The Art Bulletin—Editorial Board Members
Deadline: April 15

Annual Conference—CAA Council of Readers
New this year, we’re asking members to serve a crucial role in shaping conference content.
Deadline: April 18

Annual Conference—Annual Conference Chair
Deadline: April 29

Annual Conference—Awards for Distinction Juries
Deadline: May 13

Millard Meiss Publication Fund—Jury Members
Deadline: May 13

Professional Development Fellowships in Art History and Visual Art—Jury Members
Deadline: May 13

Professional Committees—Seeking New Members
Committees: Design, Diversity Practices, Intellectual Property, Women in the Arts, Education, International, Museum, Professional Practices, Services to Artists, Student and Emerging Professionals
Deadline: September 18

Attendee at 2018 CAA Annual Conference in Los Angeles. Photo: Rafael Cardenas

The Art History Special Exhibition Travel Fund jury is looking for members.

The deadline is January 31, 2019.

In August, we announced that CAA received a major anonymous gift of $1 million to fund travel for art history faculty and their students to special exhibitions related to their classwork. The fund is designed to award up to $10,000 to qualifying undergraduate and graduate art history classes to cover students’ and instructors’ costs (travel, accommodations, and admissions fees) associated with attending museum special exhibitions throughout the United States and worldwide. The purpose of the grants is to enhance students’ first-hand knowledge of original works of art.

Jury members will review applications in February 2019 and confer by conference call or in person if necessary. After staggering jury cycles are established, jurors serve for a three-year term.

Jury members are comprised of art historians and a museum curator. Candidates must be CAA members and should not currently serve on another CAA editorial board or committee. CAA’s president appoints jury members for service. Jury members may not themselves apply for a grant in this program during their term of service. Members shall be entitled to a nominal honorarium in recognition of their service.

Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a name; self-nominations are also welcome.

Please send a letter describing your interest in and qualifications for appointment, along with a CV (two pages maximum) to Cali Buckley, Grants and Special Programs Manager, at

Filed under: Art History, Students

Attendees at the CAA 2018 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. Photo by Rafael Cardenas

The CAA Professional Development Fellowships in Visual Art and Art History jury is currently looking for members.

The deadline is October 26, 2018.

CAA Professional Development Fellowships in Visual Art and Art History

The fellowship juries award $10,000 each to one visual artist completing an MFA and one art historian completing a PhD in the coming year. There are currently two vacancies on the jury awarding the fellowship in art history and three vacancies on the jury awarding the fellowship in visual art. Candidates for the art history jury must be actively publishing scholars with demonstrated seniority and achievement; candidates for the visual arts jury must be actively producing artists with a track record of exhibitions. Institutional affiliation is not required.

Jury members review applications once per year and confer by conference call. All jurors serve for a three-year term. Candidates must be CAA members and should not currently serve on another CAA editorial board or committee. CAA’s president and vice president for committees appoint jury members for service. Jury members may not themselves apply for a grant in this program during their term of service. This is a volunteer position without compensation.

Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a name; self-nominations are also welcome.

Please send a letter describing your interest in and qualifications for appointment, along with a CV (two pages maximum) to

Serve on a CAA Award Jury – Deadline Extended!

posted by CAA — Apr 05, 2018

CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for individuals to serve on eight of the thirteen juries for the annual Awards for Distinction for three years (2018–21). Terms begin in May 2018; award years are 2019–21. CAA’s fifteen awards honor artists, art historians, authors, curators, critics, and teachers whose accomplishments transcend their individual disciplines and contribute to the profession as a whole and to the world at large.

Candidates must possess expertise appropriate to the jury’s work and be current CAA members. They should not hold a position on a CAA committee or editorial board beyond May 31, 2018. CAA’s president and vice president for committees appoint jury members for service.

Jury vacancies for spring 2018:

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) outlining the individual’s qualifications and experience and a CV (an abbreviated CV no more than two pages, may be submitted). Please send all materials by email to Aakash Suchak, CAA grants and special programs manager; submissions must be sent as Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF attachments. For questions about jury service and responsibilities, contact Tiffany Dugan, CAA director of programs and publications.

Deadline extended! New deadline is: Thursday, May 31, 2018.