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Past Winners

Below is an alphabetical list, by author’s last name, of past recipients of the Millard Meiss Publication Fund. The fund supports book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of art and related subjects that have been accepted by a publisher on their merits, but cannot be published in the most desirable form without a subsidy.

Meiss Recipients, 1975–Present

Abrams, Ann Uhry, The Valiant Hero: Benjamin West and Grand-Style History Painting, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985

Aitken, Molly Emma, The Intelligence of Tradition in Rajput Court Painting, Yale University Press, 2010

Akcan, Esra, Architecture in Translation: Germany, Turkey, and the Modern House, Duke University Press, 2012

Ames, Eric, Carl Hagenbeck's Empire of Entertainments, University of Washington Press, 2009

Amor, Monica, Theories of the Nonobject: Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, 1944–1968, University of California Press, 2016

Amstutz, Nina, Caspar David Friedrich: Landscape, Science, and the Self, Yale University Press, 2019.

Anderson, Benjamin, Cosmos and Community in Early Medieval Art, Yale University Press, 2017

Anger, Jenny, Paul Klee and the Decorative in Modern Art, Cambridge University Press, 2004

Armi, C. Edson, Masons and Sculptors in Renaissance Burgundy: The New Aesthetic of Cluny III, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1983

Armstrong, Lilian, Renaissance Miniature Painters and Classical Imagery: The Master of the Putti and His Venetian Workshop, Harvey Miller, 1981

Arnar, Anna, The Book as Instrument: Stéphane Mallarmé, the Artist’s Book, and the Transformation of Print Culture, University of Chicago Press, 2010

Atac, Mehmet-Ali, The Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art, Cambridge University Press, 2014

Auther, Elissa, String, Felt, Thread: The Hierarchy of Art and Craft in American Art, University of Minnesota Press, 2009

Avcioglu, Nehabat, Turquerie and the Politics of Representation, 1737–1876, Ashgate, 2011

Azarpay, Guitty, Sogdian Painting: The Pictorial Epic in Oriental Art, University of California Press, 1981

Bailey, Gauvin, Art on the Jesuit Missions in Asia and Latin America, 1542–1773, University of Toronto Press, 1999

Bajorek, Jennifer, Unfixed: Photography and Decolonial Imagination in West Africa, Duke University Press, 2019 

Bal, Mieke, Quoting Caravaggio: Contemporary Art, Preposterous History, University of Chicago Press, 1999

Ballon, Hilary, Louis Le Vau: Mazarin’s Collège, Colbert’s Revenge, Princeton University Press, 1999

Ballon, Hilary, The Paris of Henri IV: Architecture and Urbanism, Architectural History Foundation, 1991

Bambach Cappel, Carmen, Drawing and Painting in the Italian Renaissance Workshop: Theory and Practice, 1300–1600, Cambridge University Press, 1999

Barbieri-Low, Anthony Jerome, Artisans in Early Imperial China, University of Washington Press, 2007

Barnes, Carl F., The Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Fr 19093): A New Critical Edition and Color Facsimile, Ashgate, 2009

Barriault, Anne B., Spalliera Paintings of Renaissance Tuscany: Fables of Poets for Patrician Homes, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994

Bartman, Elizabeth, Portraits of Livia: Imaging the Imperial Woman in Augustan Rome, Cambridge University Press, 1999

Bass, Laura, The Drama of the Portrait: Theater and Visual Culture in Early Modern Spain, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008

Bass, Marisa Anne, Jan Gossart and the Invention of Netherlandish Antiquity, Princeton University Press, 2016

Bedell, Rebecca, The Anatomy of Nature: Geology and American Landscape Painting, 1825–1875, Princeton University Press, 2002

Belozerskaya, Marina, Rethinking the Renaissance: Burgundian Arts across Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2012

Benjamin, Roger, Orientalist Aesthetics: Art, Colonialism, and French North Africa, 1880–1930, University of California Press, 2003

Bent, George, Public Painting and Visual Culture in Early Republican Florence, Cambridge University Press, 2016

Berdini, Paolo, The Religious Art of Jacopo Bassano: Painting as Visual Exegesis, Cambridge University Press, 1997

Berger, Harry, Jr., Fictions of the Pose: Rembrandt against the Italian Renaissance, Stanford University Press, 2000

Berger, Harry, Jr., Manhood, Marriage, and Mischief: Rembrandt’s Night Watch and Other Dutch Group Portraits, Fordham University Press, 2007

Berger, Patricia, Empire of Emptiness: Buddhist Art and Political Authority in Qing China, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2002

Berger, Robert W., The Palace of the Sun: The Louvre of Louis XIV, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993

Bergman, Robert P., Salerno Ivories: Ars Sacra from Medieval Amalfi, Harvard University Press, 1980

Betzer, Sarah, Animating the Antique: Sculptural Encounters in the Age of Aesthetic Theory, Penn State University Press, 2021

Bissel, R. Ward, Artemesia Gentileschi and the Authority of Art: Critical Reading and Catalogue Raisonné, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998

Bissell, R. Ward, Orazio Gentileschi and the Poetic Tradition in Caravaggesque Painting, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1981

Black, Charlene Villaseñor, Creating the Cult of St. Joseph: Art and Gender in the Spanish Empire, Princeton University Press, 2006

Blair, Sheila, Islamic Calligraphy, University of Edinburgh Press, 2006

Blier, Suzanne Preston, African Vodun: Art, Psychology, and Power, University of Chicago Press, 1995

Blier, Suzanne, The Anatomy of Architecture: Ontology and Metaphor in Batammaliba Architectural Expression, Cambridge University Press, 1987

Bloch, Amy R., Lorenzo Ghiberti’s “Gates of Paradise”: Humanism, History, and Artistic Philosophy in the Italian Renaissance, Cambridge University Press, 2016

Boeck, Elena, Imagining the Byzantine Past: The Perception of History in the Illustrated Manuscripts of Skylitzes and Manasses, Cambridge University Press, 2015

Boime, Albert, A Social History of Modern Art, vol. 1, Art in an Age of Revolution, 1750–1800, University of Chicago Press, 1987

Boone, Elizabeth Hill, Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate, University of Texas Press, 2007

Boone, Elizabeth Hill, Stories in Red and Black: Pictorial Histories of the Aztecs and Mixtecs, University of Texas Press, 2000

Bowen, Karen, and Dirk Imhof, Christopher Plantin and Engraved Book Illustrations in Sixteenth-Century Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2008

Braun, Emily, Mario Sironi and Italian Modernism: Art and Politics under Fascism, Cambridge University Press, 2000

Braun, Marta, Picturing Time: The Work of Etienne-Jules Marey, 1830–1904, University of Chicago Press, 1992

Brennan, Marcia, Painting Gender, Constructing Theory: The Alfred Stieglitz Circle and American Formalist Aesthetics, MIT Press, 2001

Brittenham, Claudia, The Murals of Cacaxtla: The Power of Painting in Ancient Central Mexico, University of Texas Press, 2015

Brothers, Cammy, Giuliano da Sangallo and the Ruins of Rome, Princeton University Press, 2022

Brown, Claudia, Great Qing: Painting in China, 1644–1911, University of Washington Press, 2014

Brown, Clifford, Isabella d’Este and Lorenzo da Pavia: Documents for the History of Art and Culture in Renaissance Mantua, Librairie Droz S.A., 1982

Brown, Rebecca, Displaying Time: The Many Temporalities of the Festival of India, University of Washington Press, 2017

Brown, Robert L., The Dvaravati Wheels of the Law and the Indianization of South East Asia, E. J. Brill, 1996

Brummett, Palmira, Mapping the Ottomans: Sovereignty, Territory, and Identity in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Cambridge University Press, 2015

Bruzelius, Caroline, The Stones of Naples: Church Building in the Angevin, Italy, 1266–1343, Yale University Press, 2004

Bryan-Wilson, Julia, Fray: Art and Textile Politics, University of Chicago Press, 2017

Burns, Dorothea, The Invention of Pastel Painting, Archetype Publications, 2007

Burns, Sarah, Painting the Dark Side: Art and the Gothic Imagination in Nineteenth-Century America, University of California Press, 2006

Busbea, Larry, The Responsive Environment: Design, Aesthetics, and the Human in the 1970s, University of Minnesota Press, 2019  

Caldwell, Ellen C., Cynthia S. Colburn, and Ella J. Gonzalez, eds., Gender Violence, Art, and the Viewer: An Intervention, Penn State University Press, 2024

Calirman, Claudia, Dissident Bodies: Brazilian Women Artists, (1960s-2020s), Duke University Press, 2023

Camille, Michael, The Gargoyles of Notre Dame: Medievalism and the Monsters of Modernity, University of Chicago Press, 2009

Campbell, Aurelia, What the Emperor Built: Architecture and Empire in the Early Ming, University of Washington Press, 2020

Campbell, Stephen, Cosmè Tura of Ferrara: Style, Politics, and the Renaissance City, 1450–1495, Yale University Press, 1997

Caplan, Lindsay, Programmed Art: Freedom, Control, and Computation in 1960s Italy, University of Minnesota Press, 2022

Carroll, Margaret, Painting and Politics in Northern Europe: Van Eyck, Bruegel, Rubens, and Their Contemporaries, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008

Casid, Jill, Sowing Empire: Landscape and Colonization, University of Minnesota Press. 2004

Caviness, Madeline Harrison, Princeton University Press

Chametzky, Peter, Turks, Jews, and Other Germans in Contemporary Art, The MIT Press, 2021

Chanchani, Nachiket, Mountain Temples and Temple Mountains: Architecture, Religion, and Nature in the Central Himalayas, University of Washington Press, 2019

Chatterjee, Paroma, The Living Icon in Byzantium and Italy: The Vita Image, Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries, Cambridge University Press, 2014

Cheetham, Mark, Landscape into Eco Art: Articulations of Nature since the ’60s, Pennsylvania State University Press

Checa-Gismero, Paloma, The Early Biennial Boom and the Making of Global Contemporary Art, Duke University Press, 2024

Childs, Elizabeth, Vanishing Paradise: Art and Exoticism in Colonial Tahiti, University of California Press, 2013

Cikovsky, Nicolai, Jr., Lectures on the Affinity of Painting with the Other Fine Arts by Samuel F. B. Morse, University of Missouri Press, 1983

Clapp, Anne de Coursey, The Painting of T’ang Yin, University of Chicago Press, 1991

Clayson, Hollis, Paris in Despair: Art and Everyday Life Under Siege (1870–1871), University of Chicago Press, 2002

Cohen, Charles E., The Art of Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone: Between Dialect and Language, Cambridge University Press, 1996

Cohen, Sarah, Art, Dance, and the Body in French Culture of the Ancien Régime, Cambridge University Press, 2000

Colantuono, Anthony, and Steven F. Ostrow, eds., Critical Perspectives on Roman Baroque Sculpture, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2014

Connolly, Daniel, The Maps of Matthew Paris: Medieval Journeys through Space, Time, and Liturgy, Boydell and Brewer, 2009

Cooler, Richard M., The Karen Bronze Drums of Burma: Types, Iconography, Manufacture, and Use, E. J. Brill, 1995

Cordova, James M., The Art of Professing in Bourbon Mexico: Crowned-Nun Portraits and Reform in the Convents, University of Texas Press, 2014

Corey, Pamela, The City in Time: Contemporary Art and Urban Form in Vietnam and Cambodia, University of Washington Press, 2021

Cranston, Jodi, The Green Worlds of Renaissance Venice, Pennylvania State University Press, 2019

Crawford, Christina E., Spatial Revolution: Architecture and Planning in the Early Soviet Union, Cornell University Press, 2022

Cronan, Todd, Against Affective Formalism: Matisse, Bergson, Modernism, University of Minnesota Press, 2013

Cropper, Elizabeth, and Charles Dempsey, Nicolas Poussin: Friendship and the Love of Painting, Princeton University Press, 1996

Curcic, Slobodan, Gracanica: King Milutin’s Church and Its Place in Late Byzantine Architecture, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1979

Curley, John J., A Conspiracy of Images: Andy Warhol, Gerhard Richter, and the Art of the Cold War, Yale University Press, 2013

Cutler, Anthony, The Aristocratic Psalters in Byzantium, Picard, 1984

Dale, Thomas E. A., Pygmalion’s Power: Romanesque Sculpture, the Senses, and Religious Experience, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2019

D’Alleva, Anne, Sacred Maidens and Masculine Women: Art, Gender, and Power in Post-Contact Tahiti and the Society Islands, University of Hawai‘i Press

DeCaroli, Robert, Image Problems: The Origin and Development of the Buddha’s Image in Early South Asia, University of Washington Press, 2015

D’Elia, Una Roman, Raphael’s Ostrich, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015

Deloria, Philip, Becoming Mary Sully: Toward an American Indian Abstract, University of Washington Press, 2019.

DelPlato, Joan, Multiple Wives, Multiple Pleasures: Representing Harlem, 1800–1875, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2002

Demos, T. J., The Migrant Image: The Art and Politics of Documentary during Global Crisis, Duke University Press, 2013

de Vries, Joyce, Caterina Sforza and the Art of Appearances: Gender, Art, and Culture in Early Modern Italy, Ashgate, 2010

Didi-Huberman, Georges, and Harvey Mendelsohn, trans., The Surviving Image: Phantoms of Time and Time of Phantoms: Aby Warburg’s History of Art, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2016

Dillon, Sheila, Ancient Greek Portrait Sculpture: Context, Subjects, and Styles, Cambridge University Press, 2012

Dixon, Laurinda, The Dark Side of Genius: The Melancholic Persona in Art, ca. 1500–1700, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2013

Dodd, Erica Cruikshank, Medieval Paintings in the Lebanon, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2004

Dodds, Jerrilyn D., Architecture and Ideology in Early Medieval Spain, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1989

Donaldson, Thomas E., Hindu Temple Art of Orissa, 3 vols., E. J. Brill, 1985

Donkin, Lucy, Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages, Cornell University Press, 2020

Doyle, Jennifer, Hold It Against Me: Difficulty and Emotion in Contemporary Art, Duke University Press, 2013

Drewal, Henry John, Sacred Waters: Arts for Mami Wata and Other Water Divinities in Africa and the Diaspora, Indiana University Press, 2008

Drimmer, Sonja, The Art of Allusion: Illuminators and the Making of Middle English Literature, 1403-1476, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018

Drpic, Ivan, Epigram, Art, and Devotion in Later Byzantium, Cambridge University Press, 2016

Dunbabin, Katherine, A History of Ancient Mosaics, Cambridge University Press, 1999

Eisenberg, Marvin, Lorenzo Monaco and His Workshop, Princeton University Press, 1989

Eleen, Luba, The Illustration of the Pauline Epistles in French and English Bibles of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, Clarendon Press, 1982

Emmerson, Richard, Apocalypse Illuminated: The Visual Exegesis of Revelation in Medieval Illustrated Manuscripts, Pennsylvania State University Press

English, Darby, How to See a Work of Art in Total Darkness, MIT Press, 2007

Fehm, Sherwood A., Jr., Luca di Tommè: A Sienese Fourteenth-Century Painter, Southern Illinois University Press, 1986

Feldman, Marian, Diplomacy by Design: Luxury Arts and an International Style in the Ancient Near East, 1400–1200 BCE, University of Chicago Press, 2005

Feltens, Frank, Ogata Kōrin: Art in Early Modern Japan, Yale University Press, 2021

Fineberg, Jonathan, The Innocent Eye: Children’s Art and the Modern Artist, Princeton University Press, 1997

Finegold, Andrew, Vital Voids: Cavities and Holes in Mesoamerican Material Culture, The University of Texas Press, 2021

Flath, James, The Cult of Happiness: Nianhua, Art, and History in Rural China, University of British Columbia Press, 2005

Flood, Finbarr Barry, Objects of Translation: Material Culture and Hindu-Muslim Encounter, Permanent Black, 2009

Folda, Jaroslav, Crusader Art in the Holy Land, From the Third Crusade to the Fall of Acre, Cambridge University Press, 2005

Fozi, Shirin, Romanesque Tomb Effigies: Death and Redemption in Medieval Europe, 1000-1200, Penn State University Press, 2020 

Frantis, Wayne, Paragons of Virtue: Women and Domesticity in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art, Cambridge University Press, 1993

Fraser, Sarah, Performing the Visual: The Practice of Buddhist Wall Painting in China and Central Asia, 618–960, Stanford University Press, 2003

Freiberg, Jack, The Lateran in 1600: Christian Concord in Counter-Reformation Rome, Cambridge University Press, 1995

Friedman, Alice T., House and Household in Elizabethan England: Wollaton Hall and the Willoughby Family, University of Chicago Press, 1989

Friedman, David, Florentine New Towns: Urban Design in the Middle Ages, Architectural History Foundation, 1988

Frinta, Mojmír S., Punched Decoration on Late Medieval Panel and Miniature Painting, vol. 1, Maxdorf, 1998

Fromont, Cécile, Images on a Mission in Early Modern Kongo and Angola, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2022

Fromont, Cécile, The Art of Conversion: Christian Visual Culture in the Kingdom of Kongo, University of North Carolina Press, 2014

Fusco, Laurie, and Gino Corti, Lorenzo de Medici, Collector of Antiquities: Collector and Antiquarian, Cambridge University Press, 2006

Gallant, Denva, Illuminating the Vitae partum: The Lives of Desert Saints in Fourteenth-Century Italy, Penn State University Press, 2024

Gamboni, Dario, Potential Images: Ambiguity and Indeterminancy in Modern Art, Reaktion Books, 2001

Gammel, Irene, Baroness Elsa: Gender, Dada, and Everyday Modernity, MIT Press, 2003

Gamwell, Lynn, Exploring the Invisible: Art, Science, and the Spiritual, Princeton University Press, 2004

Gayed, Andrew, Queer World Making: Contemporary Middle Eastern Diasporic Art, University of Washington Press, 2024

Gaziambide, Maria C., Retrograde Modernity: The Deliberate Anachronism of Venezuela’s El Techo de la Ballena, University Press Florida, 2017

George, Victoria, Whitewash and the New Aesthetic of the Protestant Reformation, Pindar Press, 2013

Gerschultz, Jessica, Decorative Arts of the Tunisian École: Fabrications of Modernism, Gender, and Power, Penn State University Press, 2019.

Gertsman, Elina, The Absent Image: Lacunae in Medieval Books, Penn State University Press, 2021

Gertsman, Elina, Worlds Within: Opening the Medieval Shrine Madonna, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015

Gibson, Walter, “Mirror of the Earth”: The World Landscape in Sixteenth-Century Flemish Painting, Princeton University Press, 1989

Gillerman, Dorothy, Enguerran de Marigny and the Church of Notre-Dame at Ecouis: Art and Patronage in the Age of Philip the Fair, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994

Giunta, Andrea, Avant-Garde, Internationalism, and Politics: Argentine Art in the Sixties, Duke University Press, 2007

Goedde, Lawrence Otto, Tempest and Shipwreck in Dutch and Flemish Art: Convention, Rhetoric, and Interpretation, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1989

Goffen, Rona, Spirituality in Conflict: Saint Francis and Giotto's Bardi Chapel, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988

Goffen, Rona, Titian’s Women, Yale University Press, 1997

Goldberg, Norman L., John Crome the Elder, 2 vols., New York University Press, 1978

Gómez, Luis O., and Hiram W. Woodward, eds., Barabudur: History and Significance of a Buddhist Monument, Buddhist Studies Series, 1981

Gordon, Donald E., Expressionism: Art and Idea, Yale University Press, 1987

Gordon, Sarah, Indecent Exposures: Eadweard Muybridge’s Animal Locomotion Nudes,Yale University Press, 2015

Göttler, Christine, Last Things: Art and Religious Imagination in the Age of Reform, Brepols, 2010

Grabski, Joanna, Art World City: The Creative Economy of Artists and Urban Life in Dakar, Indiana University Press, 2017

Graves, Margaret, Making Modernity in the Islamic Mediterranean, Indiana University Press, 2022

Green, Rosalie, The Hortus Deliciarum of Herrad of Hohenburg, Warburg Institute, 1979

Greenwald, Diana, Painting by Numbers: Data-Driven Histories of Nineteenth Century Art, Princeton University Press, 2021

Greet, Michele, Transatlantic Encounters: Latin American Artists in Paris Between the Wars, Yale University Press

Griebeler, Andrew, Botanical Icons: Critical Practices of Illustration in the Premodern Mediterranean, University of Chicago Press, 2024

Grootenboer, Hanneke, The Rhetoric of Perspective: Realism and Illusionism in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still-Life Painting, University of Chicago Press, 2005

Guerin, Frances, The Truth Is Always Grey: Painting from Grisaille to Gerhard Richter, University of Minnesota Press

Guinness, Katherine, Schizogenesis: The Art of Rosemarie Trockel, University of Minnesota Press, 2019  

Guth, Christine M. E., Longfellow’s Tattoos: Tourism, Collecting, and Japan, University of Washington Press, 2004

Habel, Dorothy, “When All of Rome Was under Construction”: The Building Process in Baroque Rome, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2013

Hackenbroch, Yvonne, Enseignes: Renaissance Hat Jewels, Studio per Edizioni Scelte, 1996

Hahn, Cynthia, Strange Beauty: Issues in the Making and Meaning of Reliquaries 400–circa 1204, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012

Hall, Marcia, After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge University Press, 1999

Halperin, Joan Ungersma, Félix Fénéon: Aesthete and Anarchist in Fin-de-Siècle Paris, Yale University Press, 1988

Hamburger, Jeffrey F., Nuns as Artists: The Visual Culture of a Medieval Convent, University of California Press, 1997

Hamburger, Jeffrey, St. John the Divine: The Deified Evangelist in Medieval Art and Theology, University of California Press, 2002

Hammers, Roslyn Lee, Pictures of Tilling and Weaving: Art, Labor, and Technology in Song and Yuan China, Hong Kong University Press, 2011

Hannah, Dorita, Event Space: Theatre Architecture and the Historical Avant-Garde, Routledge

Hanson, Marin F., and Patricia Cox Crews, eds., American Quilts in the Modern Age, 1870–1940: The International Quilt Study Center Collections, University of Nebraska Press, 2009

Harney, Elizabeth, In Senghor’s Shadow: Art, Ideology, and the Avant-Garde in Senegal, 1960–1995, Duke University Press, 2004

Harris, Ann Sutherland, Andrea Sacchi: Complete Edition of the Paintings, Phaidon Press, 1977

Harwood, Laurie B., Adam Pynacker, Davaco, 1988

Hawks, Shelley Drake. The Art of Resistance. Painting by Candlelight in Mao’s China.Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2017.

Hay, Jonathan, Shitao: Painting and Modernity in Early Qing China, Cambridge University Press, 2001

Hazlehurst, F. Hamilton, Gardens of Illusion: The Genius of André Le Nostre, Vanderbilt University Press, 1980

Hecker, Sharon, A Moment's Monument: Medardo Rosso and the International Origins of Modern Sculpture, University of California Press

Hedeman, Anne, Of Counselors and Kings: The Three Versions of Pierre Salmon’s “Dialogues,” University of Illinois Press, 2001

Helmreich, Anne, Nature's Truth: Photography, Painting, and Science in Victorian Britain, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2016

Hernandez, Robb, Archiving an Epidemic: Art, AIDS, and the Queer Chicanx Avant-Garde, New York University Press, 2019

Hersey, George L., Architecture, Poetry, and Number in the Royal Palace at Caserta, MIT Press, 1983

Hertel, Christiane, Vermeer: Reception and Interpretation, Cambridge University Press, 1996

Hills, Helen, The Matter of Miracles: Neapolitan Baroque Architecture and Sanctity, Manchester University Press, 2016

Hindman, Sandra, Sealed in Parchment: Rereadings of Knighthood in the Illuminated Manuscripts of Chrétien de Troyes, University of Chicago Press, 1994

Hirsh, Sharon, Symbolism and Modern Urban Society, Cambridge University Press, 2004

Hofrichter, Frima Fox, Judith Leyster: A Woman Painter in Holland’s Golden Age, Davaco, 1989

Hollander, Martha, An Entrance for the Eyes: Space and Meaning in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Art, University of California Press, 2002

Hong, Jeehee, Theater of the Dead: A Social Turn in Chinese Funerary Art, 1000–1400, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2016

Horn, Hendrik J., Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen: Painter of Charles V and His Conquest of Tunis, Davaco, 1989

Hornstein, Katie, Myth and Menagerie: Seeing Lions in Nineteenth-Century France, Yale University Press, 2024

Hornstein, Katie, Picturing War in France, 1792–1856, Yale University Press

Houghteling, Sylvia, The Art of Cloth in Mughal India, Princeton University Press, 2022

Huang, Shih-shan Susan, Picturing the True Form: Daoist Visual Culture in Traditional China, Harvard University Asia Center, 2015

Hulse, Clark, The Rule of Art: Literature and Painting in the Renaissance, University of Chicago Press, 1990

Huntington, Eric, Creating the Universe: Depictions of the Cosmos in Himalayan Buddhism, University of Washington Press, 2019

Huntington, Susan L., The “Pala-Sena” Schools of Sculpture, E. J. Brill, 1984

Hutton, Deborah, Art of the Court of Bijapur, Indiana University Press, 2006

Jarrard, Alice, Architecture as Performance in Seventeenth-Century Europe: Court Ritual in Modena, Rome, and Paris, Cambridge University Press, 2003

Jaskot, Paul B., The Nazi Perpetrator: Postwar German Art and the Politics of the Right, University of Minnesota Press, 2012

Jesty, Justin, Arts of Engagement: Socially Engaged Art and the Democratic Culture of Japan’s Early Postwar, Cornell University Press

Jirat-Wasiutynski, Voytech, and H. Travers Newton, Technique and Meaning in the Paintings of Paul Gauguin, Cambridge University Press, 2000

Jones, Pamela M., Altarpieces and Their Viewers in the Churches of Rome from Caravaggio to Guido Reni, Ashgate, 2009

Jordan, Jim M., and Robert Goldwater, The Paintings of Arshile Gorky: A Critical Catalogue, New York University Press, 1982

Jung, Jacqueline, The Gothic Screen: Space, Sculpture, and the Community in the Cathedrals of France and Germany, ca. 1200–1400, Cambridge University Press, 2012

Kafescioğlu, Çiğdem, Constantinopolis/Istanbul: Cultural Encounter, Imperial Vision, and the Construction of the Ottoman Capital City, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009

Kaimal, Padma, Opening Kailasanatha: The Temple in Kanchipuram Revealed in Time and Space, University of Washington Press, 2020

Kalba, Laura, Color in the Age of Impressionism: Commerce, Technology, and Art, Pennsylvania Sate University Press, 2017

Kaligotla, Subhashini, Shiva’s Waterfront Temples: Self and Space in Medieval India, Yale University Press, 2022  

Karim, Farhan, Modernism of Austerity: Designing an Ideal House for the Poor, University of Pittsburgh Press

Karimi, Pamela, Alternative Iran: Contemporary Art and Critical Spatial Practice, Stanford University Press, 2022

Kee, Joan, The Geometries of Afro Asia: Art beyond Solidarity, University of California Press, 2023

Kelsey, Robin, Archive Style: Photographs and Illustrations for US Surveys, 1850–1890, University of California Press, 2007

Kersey, Kristopher, Facing Images: Medieval Japanese Art and the Problem of Modernity, Penn State University Press, 2024

Kessler, Marni Reva, Sheer Presence: The Veil in Manet's Paris, University of Minnesota Press, 2006

Khullar, Sonal, Worldly Affiliations: Artistic Practice, National Identity, and Modernism in India, 1930–1990, University of California Press, 2015

Kienle, Miriam, Queer Connections: Ray Johnson's Correspondence Art Network, University of Minnesota Press, 2023

Kim, Jinah, Receptacle of the Sacred: Illustrated Manuscripts and the Buddhist Book Cult in South Asia, University of California Press, 2013

Kindall, Elizabeth, Geo-Narratives of a Filial Son: The Paintings and Travel Diaries of Huang Xiangjian (1609–1673), Harvard University Asia Center, 2017

King, Richard, ed., Art in Turmoil: The Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1966–76, University of British Columbia Press, 2010

Kita, Sandy, The Last Tosa: Iwasa Katsumochi Matabei, Bridge to Ukiyo-e, University of Hawai‘i Press, 1999

Kleutghen, Kristina, Imperial Illusions: Crossing Pictorial Boundaries in the Qing Palace, University of Washington Press, 2015

Klich, Lynda, The Noisemakers: Estridentismo, Vanguardism, and Social Action in Post-Revolutionary Mexico, University of California Press

Kline, Naomi Reed, Maps of Medieval Thought: The Hereford Paradigm, Boydell and Brewer, 2012

Klingensmith, Samuel, The Utility of Splendor: Ceremony, Social Life, and Architecture at the Court of Bavaria, 1600–1800, University of Chicago Press, 1993

Knowles, Marika, Realism and Role-Play: The Human Figure in French Art from Callot to the Brothers Le Nain, University of Delaware Press, 2020

Ko, Dorothy, The Social Life of Inkstones: Artists and Scholars in Early Qing China, University of Washington Press, 2017

Koerner, Joseph Leo, The Reformation of the Image, Reaktion Books, 2003

Kornbluth, Genevra, Engraved Gems of the Carolingian Empire, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995

Koss, Juliet, Modernism after Wagner, University of Minnesota Press, 2010

Krinsky, Carol, Synagogues of Europe: Architecture, History, Meaning, Architectural History Foundation, 1985

Krmpotich, Cara, and Laura Peers, This Is Our Life: Haida Material Heritage and Changing Museum Practice, University of British Columbia Press, 2014

Kunzle, David, The History of the Comic Strip: The Nineteenth Century, University of California Press, 1990

Lachman, Charles, Evaluations of Sung Dynasty Painters of Renown: Liu Tao-Ch’un’s Sung-Ch’ao Ming-Hua P’ing, E. J. Brill, 1989

Laing, Ellen J., Selling Happiness: Calendar Posters and Visual Culture in Early Twentieth-Century Shanghai, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2004

Lajer-Burcharth, Ewa, Necklines: The Art of Jacques-Louis David after the Terror, Yale University Press, 1999

Lakey, Christopher, Sculptural Seeing: Relief, Optics, and the Rise of Perspective in Medieval Italy, Yale University Press, 2018

Lang, Karen, Chaos and Cosmos: On the Image in Aesthetics and Art History, Cornell University Press, 2006

Lapatin, Kenneth, Chryselephantine Statuary in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Oxford University Press, 2001

Larson, Barbara, The Dark Side of Nature: Science, Society, and the Fantastic in the Work of Odilon Redon, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005

Lawton, Carol L., Attic Document Reliefs, Clarendon Press, 1995

Leighten, Patricia, The Liberation of Painting: Modernism and Anarchism in Avant-Guerre Paris, University of Chicago Press, 2013

Lee, Anthony, Painting on the Left: Diego Rivera, Radical Politics, and San Francisco’s Public Murals, University of California Press, 1999

Lerner, Jullian, Graphic Culture: illustration and Artistic Enterprise in Paris, 1830-1848, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018

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