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Programs » Annual Conference

Information for Session Participants  

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Thank you for your contribution to the CAA Annual Conference. In this section, we have provided information to help you prepare for your session. Please direct questions about participation to your session chair(s).  

Session Content & Schedule 


CAA Membership  

All session participants must be current individual CAA members through February 15, 2020, to be included in the Conference Program listings. This includes session chairs, speakers, and discussants, as well as CAA committee and affiliated society members. Institutional membership does not qualify as individual membership. 

CAA members at the Tier Two level planning to attend the Annual Conference are encouraged to upgrade to Tier One, which, when combined with the discounted conference registration, will provide the greatest value. 

For any questions regarding CAA membership, visit our membership page or call 212-691-1051, ext. 1. 

Conference Registration  

All session participants (chairs, speakers, discussants), including those in CAA professional committees or affiliated societies, must register in order to take part in the conference. 

We encourage members to register for the full conference to take advantage of the entire program. Full conference registrants receive a badge allowing access to all on-site programming, as well as museums and cultural institutions offering free admission. 

Take advantage of early registration online to receive the best rate. Tier One membership is designed for those who plan to attend CAA’s Annual Conference with a 55% discount on early registration, which will remain open through December 16, 2019. 

To participate in a session, members must have a conference badge or a day pass. Day passes are only sold on site at registration. 

Registration lines may be long, so plan to be there at least 90 minutes before your session begins. 

Conference Badges  

Badges are produced by the CAA Membership department using information in your CAA member account upon joining, renewing your membership, or registering for the conference. 

Please review your CAA membership account information online here. If your name or affiliation needs to be updated, you must contact member services, at, or 212-691-1051, ext. 1, by December 14, 2019, and update your “badge information.” This will ensure that your name appears as you wish on your badge and in the conference materials. 

Session Content & Schedule  

All session content was considered final as of September 10, 2019. All speaker and abstract title changes were to be made by the session chair or designate only. Any speaker cancellations that occur must be communicated with both your session chair(s) and Mira Friedlaender, manager of the Annual Conference, at

Submitted Content  

CAA posts session details exactly as submitted by chairs. 

Conference Listing Guidelines: 

  • The full Annual Conference program is available online and via the mobile app. A hard copy program will not be available. 
  • Names: CAA does not list titles or honorifics (i.e., Prof., PhD, Esq., etc.) or positions (i.e. Assistant Director, Chair, Department Head, etc.). Chairs should consult with participants if they are not sure of spelling. 
  • Institutional Affiliations: official institution names, as they appear on the institution’s website or mission statement, are used. Acronyms or colloquial titles (The Met, CUNY, etc.) are avoided. 
  • CAA only lists one affiliation per person and defaults to the first listed in the original proposal. 
  • Paper titles: Titles will appear before each speaker name. 
  • Paper abstracts: Firm 250-word limit. 
  • Style: CAA uses serial commas; spells out numbers; and uses American spelling, not British. CAA follows the styles set forth in The Chicago Manual of Style and spelling from Webster’s 3rd or 4th International Dictionary

Abstracts and Texts  

  • CAA produces Abstracts as a record of papers and presentations made at each Annual Conference. This digital publication contains summaries of session presentations as submitted by chairs and speakers by September 10, 2019. Abstracts 2020 will be provided to all conference registrants via PDF download in your CAA member account. A hard copy will not be available. 
  • Following the conference, Abstracts 2020 will be available for purchase by non-registrants: $30 for CAA members and $35 for nonmembers. For more information and to order, please email Roberta Lawson, CAA office coordinator, or call 212-392-4404. 
  • Discussants do not submit or have abstracts published, but their names and affiliations are listed with their sessions on the conference materials as well as Abstracts 2020
  • For planning purposes and quality control, session chairs may require that speakers submit the full text of their papers/presentations no later than January 1, 2020. The requirement of paper submission is at the discretion of the chairs as these January submissions enable them to review the content and length of the actual presentation. If requested, papers should be sent directly to chairs. Do NOT send your paper or email to CAA’s office. 

Session Organization and Timing  

All session chair(s) must be in contact with participants before the conference to reach an agreement regarding time allocations and order of presentations. 

Whatever form your presentation takes, we recommend that all participants use a timer while practicing their presentations to be sure they do not go over their allotted time. 

All sessions are 90 minutes long. Engaging session formats (other than consecutive reading of papers) are highly encouraged by CAA. Discuss these options with the session participants prior to the presentation. 

CAA branded slides for presentations: Some session chairs may wish to have “place holder” slides within their presentations for the beginning or end of their sessions. The CAA branded slide is available to download here

CAA asks that the order of presenters follow the order in which the chair listed the presenters in the final submission (i.e. presenter 1, presenter 2, etc.). This presenter sequence will be used in conference materials. Please do not change the sequence of presenters at the conference, as many attendees “session hop” and come to hear a particular presentation. 

CAA does not require or suggest a minimum amount of time for introductions, presentations, comments, Q&A, but we highly recommend that chairs block out time to include audience participation. Discussion is what makes the Annual Conference exciting. 

We highly recommended that you build a ten-minute cushion in your session plan for seating, quieting of attendees, applause, transitions between presenters, and the occasional AV “glitch.” 

Even if your session begins late, it must end on time. Sessions rooms are busy all day; session chairs going over their 90-minute allotment will be asked to vacate the room so the next session may begin on time. 

The 30 minutes between sessions is designed to allow ample preparation time for the next session; please move any ongoing discussion into the hallway or another public space. 



The standard setup for each CAA session room includes: 

  • theater-style seating 
  • one LCD projector with HDMI connector
  • one projector screen 
  • audio hook up 
  • two microphones (one for the podium and one for the speakers’ table) 

The following AV equipment is NOT included: Q&A microphones, Mac adapters (“dongles”), spare USBs, computers, and slide projectors. 


Please bring your own laptop for your presentation. Computers are not supplied by CAA, the Hilton Chicago, or the AV Services provider. 

PC and Mac users should confirm that their laptop has a HDMI port.

Further details for Mac users at this link.

AV Equipment Requests 

  • AV equipment requests that are not part of the standard set up are subject to additional fees that are not the responsibility of CAA. Please email Mira Friedlaender, manager of the Annual Conference, at, for a price quote by November 5, 2019 and indicate “AV equipment” in the subject line. Late requests cannot be accommodated. 

Presentation Preparation 

Load all presentations onto one computer and test them prior to the session. Bring fully charged laptops, dongles, and USBs containing the presentation visuals to the session. Please check in with an AV technician at the Speaker Ready Room, Private Dining Room 5, Third Floor, if you need to test equipment. 

If your presentation includes audio and/or video media, please download and test it before your session begins. Make sure that the videos are readily available on your desktop or inserted into your presentation. We do not advise using web links or any streaming during the session. 

We suggest that you arrive at the session room at least 20 minutes early to set up your equipment and presentation. 

Session participants are required to present in person. Please discourage speakers who wish to participate in your session remotely. Although session rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi, we cannot ensure that remote participation can occur without connectivity or quality issues. 

Recording and Photography  

Sessions are not recorded by CAA. If you wish to record your own session, you must obtain permission from all speakers who may speak, post signs and inform the room at the start of the session that you will be recording so people who do not wish to be recorded may leave. All speakers own and maintain copyright to the work they present at the conference and you may not publish their words without proper permissions and citations. Any later reference to content presented at the conference must be attributed to the appropriate author and cited with paper and session title as well as the date of the conference. 

As a scholarly organization devoted to the pursuit of independent scholarship, CAA does not condone theft or plagiarism of anyone’s scholarship, whether presented orally or in writing. Participants at the conference are not allowed to make audio or video recordings of any session at the Annual Conference, without the expressed permission of all presenters.  

If you believe your work has been stolen or plagiarized by some other person, we encourage you to contact the publisher so that an investigation might be conducted, if appropriate. 

We ask all conference presenters and attendees to note that attendance at the conference constitutes consent to potentially be photographed. The following statement is posted on the website. If you have any issues with this statement or do not consent to being potentially photographed or filmed; you must notify CAA immediately: 

Through conference attendance, I hereby grant permission to CAA to i) photograph, film, or otherwise record my image and voice at the above event or location and ii) use, reproduce, perform, display, distribute, and create derivative works of any resulting photographs or recordings, as well as my name in connection therewith, in any media now known or as may be later developed and to authorize its agents or representatives to carry out any of the foregoing on CAA’s behalf. I acknowledge that CAA owns all rights to such photographs or recordings. 

I waive: i) any right to inspect or approve any use of the photographs or recordings or any works incorporating them and ii) any and all moral rights in any such uses. I understand that I will not receive any compensation from CAA or any other person arising from or related to the use of such photographs, recordings, or works. 

I hereby release CAA and its Board of Directors, officers, employees, contractors, volunteers, representatives, or agents from and against any claims, damages, or liability arising from or related to any use by any of them of such photographs, recordings or works, including but not limited to claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, or rights of publicity or copyright infringement, or any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion or use in composite form that may occur or be produced in taking, processing, or producing materials incorporating them. 

Session Scheduling  

The Annual Conference Committee created the conference schedule building a balanced program with as little content overlap as possible. The result is a conference program reflective of the vast areas of specialization and expertise of CAA members. 

Every effort was made to honor the scheduling requests and conflicts noted at the time of submission. 

Scheduling assignments were emailed to session chairs in August. It was the chair’s responsibility to review the date and time, inform the participants of the schedule and room assignment, and inform CAA of scheduling conflicts. Please check the schedule and notify your session chair immediately if you cannot attend your session for any reason. Individuals must participate fully in person. Due to the number of sessions and the space available, CAA cannot rearrange the conference schedule or move sessions.  

Off-site Scheduling  

Chairs are responsible for making any logistical arrangements (i.e., AV, room setups, signage) for offsite events or sessions. CAA is not responsible for these arrangements. 

Travel Costs  

CAA does not provide travel funding for conference participants for the Chicago conference. We encourage all participants to seek out independent funding avenues through departmental travel funds or professional development grants. 

Speaker Ready Room  

Private Dining Room 5, Third Floor

During conference hours you are welcome to run through your session, go over session specific procedures or timing with your speakers, or strategize with your co-chairs in this room with minimal distractions. An AV technician will be on call to assist you and answer any questions you may have about the session room equipment. 


Wednesday  & Saturday: 8:00AM–6:00 PM. Closed for lunch: 12:30–1:30 PM   

Thursday & Friday: 8:00AM–8:00 PM. Closed for lunch: 12:30–1:30 PM   

CAA is not responsible for speaker notes, computers, or personal belongings left unattended in the room.